Partybaby’s Anthem for Post-Election Social Media Overload
Whether you are happy or sad about the election results announced last week, chances are you are still feelin’ some typa way. You’ve probably seen posts about signing petitions, what you can do to make your voice heard, or maybe you’ve participated in one of the protests — one thing is certain, everyone is stuck in a mood by what’s been going on around us in the media, social media and IRL.
We don’t have a crystal ball to tell you what’s going to go down in the next four years — but one thing we should agree on, is to make sure we are spreading love to each other like our favorite artists and musicians are doing.
Punk rock band Partybaby, who is normally full of fun boppin’ songs, showed us a deeper side when they released a special version of their song on Tuesday, “Overload,” which is perhaps one of the most timely, and relevant takes we’ve heard on the election (and the state of the world in general).
The new version will be included in their next EP, set to release in the next few months — however, they did us a favor by releasing this tune early to help us cope with everything happening right now.
The lyrics are perhaps the most important thing, since lead singer Jamie Reed sings, “It’s the overload of information that’s got me so low,” and a new verse that includes, “We let the newsmen birth a man who’s insane,” and “I can’t sleep with the kids shot dead in the streets.”
Reminder that whatever you believe, to do it with love. Listen to the tune below.