Get hooked on your fav neighborhood Hope Dealer, Makayla London!

Makayla London is dealing more than just hope, but inspiration and drive to those craving to connect!

The 23 year old model has already accomplished a vast amount of campaigns and many more on the rise. A woman of many talents, she is currently focusing on modeling but continues to dabble heavily in designing and choreography. Originally known as @mvkdre on instagram, she found internet success through sharing consistently on the platform before an ‘influencer’ was a career.

What sets Makayla apart from the average run of the mill model is she is authentic to herself and her audience. She has been captivating followers to pursue their dreams and grind for no one else. Makayla is not shy from voicing her concerns about the cultural & political climate we face everyday.

A California native, Makayla had a strong family foundation growing into the passionate woman she is today. Not a stranger to adversities, she is consistently open about her struggles and educates her following to be the best version of themselves.

What social media is often missing in authenticity and message of self love, Makayla is there to lead in example. Piece of advice, next time you’re feeling low, go on her instagram and let her inspire you to be confidently yourself. She aspires to be more than just a conventional model and using her platform to expand on the issues that hold importance.

With an exciting 2019 ahead, Makayla sat down with us to express her own hustling story and exactly how she became the hope dealer we all go to for inspiration!


On social media you are @mvkdre, but who is Makayla London?

It’s a bit hard to simplify yourself into a few words; but, I’d say that I am just a happy-go-lucky, young woman who strives to be surrounded by love and light no matter where I am or what I’m doing.


You are an influence to many young individuals who have self-started their careers and followed their passions. How has this personally influenced your livelihood?

Truly, it’s still a surreal concept to wrap my head around at moments. It’s a cycle that keeps giving to itself over, and over again.
I’ll get inspired by someone who took the time to message me that they were, in fact, inspired by me. Isn’t that such a trip? I really find myself getting emotional at moments over the small impact I’ve participated in some young women’s lives.


What has been the biggest challenge you’ve had to overcome?

By far the most challenging, yet most rewarding thing I’ve ever overcome (and still am actively working on) is keeping my self-doubt on a tight leash. We all have doubters in our real lives, but to gain control of the inner-doubter has set me free in numerous ways. Self-doubt can really cage us in, deterring us from reaching our full potential, and ultimate blessings. I say, listen to your inner-hype woman instead.


What would be your advice to your 15-year-old self? 

First, “stop plucking your eyebrows so fucking thin.”
Then, I would let her know that “Don’t cry about feeling out of place, or feeling stuck… you have literally the craziest adventures and blessings awaiting you in this life. You haven’t even realized how beautiful and powerful you will grow to be. Be patient, mama.”


We see many different movements in our modern day society, whether it be a political or a social issue. What is one movement you are in support of?

I try to use my platform to educate my audience on the struggles and strife of people of color in the United States. For example, the abuse of White Privilege, Systemic Oppression, and lack of educational resources for youth of color.
I’m a big believer in spreading knowledge and talking about uncomfortable subjects in order to grow from them being had. At the end of the day, all is love – we just need to work on being on the same page, in order to move forward as a wounded cultural climate.


With the growth of the digital age we see an impact of young individuals being highly influenced by the image of ‘perfection.’ What is your opinion on the endorsement of perfection as a beauty standard? 

Perfection is unattainable. Personally, I’ve always been more receptive to authentic, raw images. The chase for perfection is very rampant and layered in our digital landscape. Not only do we have to strive to be beautiful, but we have to have the best body, best clothes, best vacations, best bank account, and best love life. We could literally drive ourselves insane trying to attain all those things.
God made us perfectly who we are, with all our flaws and all our beauty marks.



What would your advice be to someone struggling with insecurities and their identity?

The advice I could give is to sit alone outside, and really take time to write down all the things that you (and only you, not based off anyone else) love and are passionate for in this life. Listen with an open heart to your passions, become aware of them, and pursue these passions on a daily basis. When we are grounded in ourselves, and what makes us truly happy – we live a beautiful, fulfilling life.


Who is your biggest inspiration? Why?

My biggest inspiration is my personal relationship with God. Every day because of Him, I open my eyes, hungry for the journey, ready to go get it.



Where did you grow up? How has this shaped who you are today? 

My real ones know! I’m a born and raised California girl, through and through. I grew up in Ventura County my whole life, little towns with lots of character right above Los Angeles on the coast. My hometown is Moorpark, CA. Probably 35,000 people that live there: two main roads, one high school. I am so thankful for how ‘regular’ I grew up – I did feel like I stuck out like a sore thumb because I always wanted so much out of life. Going home still is really centering. Kids roll pass my mama and daddy’s house yelling out the window “MAK DRE!” … I can’t help but smile.
My brother is a big deal in my hometown, too you know. His name is Drake London, a double commit to USC for Football and Basketball. The most incredible sportsman and most lovable young man I’ve ever known. That boy is my world. If you are from the 805, you definitely heard about the London’s. Planted long time seeds now blooming, we just wanna make our city proud.


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How did you first get into modeling and when did you know you wanted to pursue it full time?

I got into modeling actually in the midst of my pursuit as a makeup artist. At the time, I wanted to continue doing makeup as a beauty guru-influencer and makeup artist. This was early 2015, and I began to start taking photos of my makeup artistry to promote on social media. Within my first couple of photoshoots, I was encouraged to switch gears and focus on modeling solely. It has been one of the most fulfilling chances I’ve ever taken on myself.


What is one misconception that your audience has of you? 

I’m not very sure! Hm. Maybe some people will assume before meeting me that I am stuck up, or standoffish. But truly, I really am so goofy, relaxed and easy going. I tear up because of ‘Tiny Kitchen’ on Instagram.


How important is family to you? 

My family is why I am, why I work so hard, why I’m so happy and loved. My mama, daddy and baby brother are my life.


One fact about you that nobody knows? 

I talk to myself out loud constantly. If there was a hidden camera on me, I’d probably look so insane with my full blown conversations with myself.


You empathize the hustle that shapes to success and consistently advertise to work hard and the rest will follow. What has been your own personal ~hustling~ journey?

My hustling journey began as a child, watching my parents work incredibly hard for my family. I come from a long line of women who had no choice but to provide and work hard. My grandmother worked in numerous jobs to keep her family afloat. My mother is one of the biggest hustler’s I know; working full time, making sure my brother and I were always at school and sports practice, showed up to every game, and kept our home in top shape – she always pulled it off somehow. Watching her as a young girl, I grew into womanhood with the most foundational work ethic possible. My reason for hustling is the women in my family. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


Motto to live by and why?

‘You catch more bee’s with honey, than vinegar.’
My father would tell me this all growing up. In essence, it means that we have two options in how we want to go about life. You can choose to be bitter about everything, (aka vinegar,) or you can choose to go through life with a loving, compassionate heart, (aka honey.) Life happens anyways, but we can always control how we react and treat others. I’ve always chosen honey.


If you weren’t a model, what other career do you think you would be pursuing right now?

I would pursue my passion of professional dancing as a back up dancer for Beyonce, or choreographer.
If that didn’t work out, I would go into voice-over acting for adult animated series. Dream voice-over job would be a cameo on the Boondocks or Bob’s Burgers.


You are 23 years old and have accomplished so much. Highlight of your career so far? 

There are so many, I get emotional weekly about how far I’ve come since dedicating my life to following my dreams.
One moment that is simple, but sticks out is having my first NYX Cosmetics beauty advertisements in Target, CVS, and Walgreens running through last year. The Walgreens that I grew up going to in my hometown, now has my face in the beauty aisle. That was such a big circle achievement in my eyes. At 16 years-old, shopping for NYX Cosmetics with the $50 I made a week, to having my face be on the packaging at 22 years-old… is a whirlwind. People from my town would send photos to my mother, saying “Look, she made it!” – my heart is forever warm.


One aspect of our society you wish you could change? 

Policing women’s bodies. Some women feel empowered by nudity, some feel empowered through modesty.  Regardless, it’s not for you to judge. Accessibility to contraceptive aids, abortions, and clean hygiene should be mandatory – not up for debate amongst the opposite gender.


Favorite artist and why?

Aaliyah! Forever and ever. Her music has been in my life since a child. How she carried herself, as a sweet, smooth, sexy, cool girl has always resonated with me.


Spotify or Apple Music?

Apple Music.


What do you do for fun? 

Lock myself in my apartment and freestyle dance for hours. Sing at the top of my lungs in the car with close friends. Eat good and laugh with my family. Literally, just laugh and dance constantly.

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What do you see for yourself in the next 10 years? 

My life changes on it’s head every two weeks, at this point I can’t plan for anything – God laughs directly in my life, like “Girl, you thought!”
Hopefully, if everything plays out well; I know I’ll be on an island with my family, enjoying life together. Usually, some would describe material things, financial quotas, or assets. All I know is my happiness and my family’s happiness are my absolute priorities.



What can we expect from you in the upcoming year? 

*fingers crossed* Hopefully y’all can expect to see me walking in NYFW this September, a Fenty Beauty campaign, and a billboard on Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles. I’ve been freestyling hip-hop, getting back into my roots of dancing, posting more freestyle dancing videos. Including a total revamp of my personal hoodie line. And since I show signs of workaholism, probably a podcast with more political commentary, solidarity with WOC, and continuing to put out a positive example for young women.


If the world ended tomorrow, what would be the one impact you’d like to be known for in our society?

Since I was a small child, all I’ve truly wanted to do in life is to make others laugh and smile.



Get hooked on your fav hope dealer Makayla London here!

Photography & Creative Direction by Frances Hamrock

Interview & Production Assistant by Amber Duran

Glam by Brooke Fabela

Styling & Accessories by Isayah Dixon

Garment Contribution & Styling by Adriana Sahar

Jewelry courtesy of Sita Bellan

Photogenics LA

Makaylas lash extensions courtesy of “Go Blush Yourself Beauty”

Gimme More POP

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