Love Bailey and her crew are the queer Club Kids you want to hang out with
Love Bailey, Harry Charlesworth, and Sussi are all names you’ve heard of before if you’re versed in neo-Club Kid culture.
The trio are best known for their nighttime antics in New York – they typically step out on the town in enviably lavish makeup and outfits (which, if you’re Love Bailey, will likely involve some red here or there).
But, they don’t just go out and look pretty. We spoke to them about self-expression, queer icons, and what they’ve been up to lately. We’ve learned that these three cannot be put in a box, and they represent the essence of what Pride Month is about. From directing to dancing to styling to singing, there’s very little that these three haven’t taken on.
Check the exclusive interview and photoshoot below for all the details!
Love Bailey to Sussi:
What was your experience like shooting “Hollywood Hooker” in December on the Ranch?
Shooting “Hollywood Hooker” was a true creative experience. Not just for myself, but seeing those around me vibrantly thrive and exude their excellence, especially our showgirl mother, Love.
Creating this music video felt like musical theater summer camp at the Savage Ranch and we were all there for showtime. A diverse cast under one queer roof: even the straight cis white men were deep into the fantasy, everyone was slathered on thick for a month ‘straight’.
What was your favorite moment from Paris performing at Manko Cabaret?
Dancing on stage with our French family. Thank you for letting us bring some slather to the cabaret.
Who are your queer icons, and why?
What do you think is the future of pop culture, what do you want to see in the mainstream media?
Queer Superheroes and success stories; welcomed into mainstream media and not exploited.
What does slather mean to you?
‘Slather’ is an artist’s choice to live in the full fantasy and make their dreams come to life by self actualized with no hesitation. The time is now: slather it up!
Love Bailey to Harry:
How do you express yourself in a world that tries to suppress your freedom?
I spend a great deal of my mental energy considering beauty and its many forms, and what it means to feel and perceive beauty throughout our lives. I think it’s really important for people to look inwards and find out what that sentiment means for themselves and to decide what they think is worth sacrificing to live their lives in the fullest fantasy they can envision. Beauty comes from within.
In your world, what do you do that is an act of resistance to fight homophobia, transphobia, etc.?
It’s hard as it is already to live as a queer person in our world. I think when we make the conscious effort to be unapologetically ourselves, that in itself is a daily act of resistance against people who would like to see our undoing.
Who are your favorite queer pop icons?
If you haven’t heard Ssion’s new album you’re missing out on something magical! And Sateen will forever be my favorite getting glam music — ‘She’s Fancy’ is a lip-syncing-in-front-of-the-mirror staple.
What was your favorite moment from Paris performing at Manko Cabaret?
My favorite part of the performance was dedicating it to Love’s grandmother Betty. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting her, I know she was an incredible woman because she is the one who instilled Love with her tenacity and showgirl energy. Her spirit was definitely with us tearing up the stage. Throwing popcorn on Gigi Gorgeous was fun too.
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Harry to Sussi:
Cats or Dogs?
What’s your favorite color and why?
Green for all reasons!
What’s your order at Starbucks?
Green tea.
Describe where you see yourself in a years time in 3 words or less.
Still making fantasies.
Sussi to Love Bailey:
Why red?
Since I can remember, my grandmother dressed me with love. Red cowboy boots, Red tuxedos, Her hair was red, Scarlet was the color of her lips. Its my call to action, to follow my heart, to follow my truth!
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What is the ranch?
A queer artist escape from the chaos of the concrete jungle and societal expectations.
You’re a Director? And a showgirl?
Yes. I started out as a dancer, then as a stylist I dressed the likes of Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj, and Azealia Banks. Now I make films that transcend darkness into light. My recent film with Violet Chachki featured a full fantasy production that showcases how she deals with transphobia by relishing in self love, excess, and glamour.
What is next for slather?
Right now we are getting ready for the release of “Hollywood Hooker” at the Belasco theater with Charlie Le Mindu, Bebe Huxley, Domonique Echeverria, Miss Tosh, Jon Vaz, Saturn Rising, Abora, Madam Guege, Andres Rigal, The Kissboyz and a cast of colorful slatherists
Where can I go to slather it up? June 7th at the Belasco theater. See you there!
Sussi to Harry:
Tell me about your makeup.
My makeup is a visible personification of my emotions. Depending on if it’s scary or glam you can tell what my insides look like that day. Sometimes I feel like a peach goddess, other nights I’m a mischievous demon. My persona isn’t a character, only a more fully realized idea of myself.
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Click here to hear Love Bailey’s latest single, “Hollywood Hooker.”