Lava La Rue Signs to Dirty Hit + Releases Single + Video “Renegade”
We caught up with West London Artist, Model, and Designer Lava La Rue! She’s fresh from performing at this year’s Coachella Music and Art Festival and she’s released her latest single + steller music video for “Renegade”. Check out our exclusive interview below and check out Renegade here.

We’re so excited to talk with you Lava! we’re huge fans of your music and style, you embody who the Galore girl is – Confident, pushing boundaries, and giving us timeless music through your art.
Can you tell us more about your recording process?
Toys, mini-figures, comic books, Nintendo 64, and enough guitars and recording gear to make a hit like “Renegade” – the day we wrote it I had just seen Stolen Nova streaming on Thrasher magazine and I called him up and got him to shred on the song. So the process is kinda the same. But sonically on “Renegade” I was able to take it back to London and get some live drums and run it through some analog equipment in a real studio to give it a bigger sound. Back on the first record with a Mac book we didn’t have those same resources so it was lo-fi hip hop because all we needed was a laptop to rip samples and slap our own mix. Now I can lean into my voice more because there are so many different ways I can record my different styles of singing.
How was playing at Coachella?
I was honestly expecting it to be overwhelming as it was my first American festival and it’s supposed to be a big one but it was surprisingly so chill to play with a welcoming crowd. It felt like a quarter of the madness British festivals like Glasto are.
I got quite lucky with my set time because I was in an indoor tent with AC at a time of day when it got really hot in the desert so I think I converted a lot of people who were just looking for shade haha.
But yeah I just remember walking around the premises and looking for the next section with another 5 stages like you would at Glasto and someone being like “No that’s the whole festival”. And I was like “Woah this is so mellow it’s just on one golf course with good amenities” – in a UK festival it’s survival vibes, you’re just lost in a sea of people and queue for ages to shit in a hole whereas the amenities there didn’t even feel like a festival especially backstage felt like Soho house in comparison to the UK lol.

What was the last thing that left you feeling inspired?
Have you ever looked up Labi Siffre’s life whilst listening to his work? To be a Black British queer songwriter dropping 6 incredible albums in the early 70s is so cool. He was way ahead of his time.
Tell us about your beauty and hair routine your skin and hair are flawless!
I like to keep my skincare routine very simple. Just good freezing tap water and nothing else. I feel like my skin naturally produces what it needs to balance itself out and if I add anything like facewash to my routine it starts messing with the balance. So yeah no fancy potions for me. But I must note that I just totally stopped wearing makeup regularly when I turned maybe 20/21 unless it was for a shoot or on stage and someone else was putting it on me. Now when I perform I rarely have skin makeup on either I just wear the star on my raw skin.

Tell us more about “Renegade”
It’s a gay rock n roll anthem. First time I’ve put out a song that in the hook uses a part of my voice that the world hasn’t heard me use yet. Expect more of it.
Your style is so Dynamic it’s a mix of Bowie meets Hendrix – How important is your style to you as an artist?
When people ask me my ethnicity I should just say that lol. Well technically, I suppose it would be a mix of Marley & Bowie. But yeah like them style is an extension of the music & performance.
Lastly, What’s next for you?
Everything hopefully. I feel like I’ve just started. I wanna go on a proper adventure and take you all with me.
Follow Lava la Rue here
Watch the “Renegade” Music Video here