Kylie Jenner and Bella Hadid On Who They’d Shag, Marry And Kill

Yesterday Vogue proclaimed something that we already knew: that Kylie Jenner and Bella Hadid are superstars on the rise.  However, the fashion giant also gave us a glimpse into something we didn’t know, who Kylie, Bella and Kate Moss’s little sister Lottie would shag, marry and kill.

While the clip only lasts for about 30 seconds, which only gives the girls one set of hypothetical men to choose from, it’s still incredibly entertaining.  Watch the three little sisters choose between Aladdin, Harry Potter and Batman, and then call your younger sibling to thank her for not being that successful yet.  You still have time.  Watch the video below and count your blessings. 

All photos via Vogue.  

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