Kendall and Kylie Jenner Went On a Bro Road Trip to Legoland

Kendall and Kylie didn’t get to go to Cuba with the rest of their family, but that’s okay because yesterday they took a bro road trip to Legoland.

Spoiler alert: it looked like just as much immature fun as you’re probably imagining. 

downtown whippin on the way to you

A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

The day began like every other field trip you took in high school – with a big yellow school bus.

Only instead of spending the entire trip playing a game your teachers liked to call “Who can give Miss Griffiths a migraine first?” K squared and the bros jammed out to #coolthrowbackjams like “What’s Your Fantasy” and the #1 song in the country “One Dance.”

Once at Legoland, K squared and the bros passed the time away by making their Legos ghost ride the whip.

Give each other oral sex

Throw a rager on the roof of the White House while President Kanye was asleep

our Lego squad on top of the White House. thanks Legoland

A photo posted by Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) on

And die semi-violent deaths.

It was all very funny and very bro-like.

Then, mischief managed, the crew went on a roller coaster, which Kylie documented from start to finish.

And last but not least, on their way out they enjoyed a show with the other eight-year-olds whose parents took them to Legoland that day.

It was lit AF.

Legoland > Cuba

End of story.

Gimme More POP

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