Belfast raised artist Jordan Adetunji has made waves over here in America with his hit single “KEHLANI”, inspired by the singer who has now jumped on the remix to his hit single. We got a chance to catch up with Jordan to learn a little more about him and to premiere his new video out now!


What was your first introduction to Hip-Hop and R&B? 

My first introduction to Hip-Hop was Busta Rhymes. I remember watching so many of his videos when I was younger and being so inspired. 

How have you found the balance of blending Afro-Beats and Hip-Hop into your music? 

I’ve found this by introducing Afrobeat drums and patterns into my music to create a unique sound with Hip-Hop and R&B vocals. 

Will we see your Nigerian heritage reflected into your new music? 

We will as I’m a proud Nigerian, this will be shown through sonics as well as visuals. 

Where did the inspiration come from for your hit song “KEHLANI”? 

When writing this song, I was watching an interview of Kehlani that she did with Impaulsive and I thought “Wow, she looks amazing.” My idea for a song was to write about a beautiful, strong woman that’s also a boss who really leads her own thing and stands on what she believes in. Kehlani was the perfect representation of that. 

What was it like performing with Kehlani in London? 

This was the most amazing music moment. The energy alone was intense, and it was such a big moment which was so exciting. 

For those who’ve never listened to your music outside of “KEHLANI”, what’s the first song you’re playing for them and why? 

It will be “INAUGURAL EPISODE” as this really is a beginning to a new era for me. 

Since you’re a huge anime fan, what’s your favorite anime show of all time? 

Fullmetal Alchemist. 

What’s next for Jordan Adetunji for the rest of 2024? 

It’s the start of a journey to a new world. 


Feature Editor: Taylor Winter Wilson (@tayorwinter)

Photographer: Shamaal (@shamaal)

Wardrobe Stylist: Dallas James (@ogdallasjames)

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