Inside Galore’s VIP Art Issue Party with Paris Hilton and Sofia Richie

In celebration of Galore’s latest issue, the Art Issue, some of our favorite badass babes gathered at the Hollywood Roosevelt for a VIP dinner and later at 1OAK for the turnup DJed by Paris Hilton herself. Inspired by our cover stars Paris Hilton and Sofia Richie, we talked to our girls about the importance of being entrepreneurs and icons. Scroll to read what they said & to see exclusive pics!


“You’re gorgeous, you better own it, be a boss – because life is too short to be anything else. ” -PARIS HILTON


“Be your own boss, do your own thing, because you don’t need to rely on a man!” – SOFIA RICHIE


“It’s important to run the game and be your own boss!”

-@Pizzapizza_nisa   NARESSA VALDEZ



“Tonight we celebrate Paris Hilton and I think it’s really important to make money as a girl because we need girl power, woo!”

-@AmandaSteele  AMANDA STEELE


“Paris is inspiring because really does her own thing and just owns it.”

-@Morganvickery_   MORGAN VICKERY


“It’s important for a girl to be her own boss because girls are bosses regardless, you feel me?”

-@Diamondwhite  DIAMOND WHITE



“I think its important to be a woman entrepreneur because we need our own businesses and it’s cool and awesome!”

-@Skaijackson  SKAI JACKSON


“I just wanted remind you guys especially the ladies to create your own brands and have your own thing!”

-@Nazaninmandi NAZANIN


“It’s important to make your own money so you don’t have to fuck an old man, you can marry who you want.”

-@Giageneveive  GIA GENEVEIVE


“It’s so important to run your own brand because you must keep control of your creative vision!”



“I just wanted to tell all you girls to be strong and stick together!”

-@bellabharris   BELLA HARRIS


“It’s important to be your own person so you can express yourself and wear whatever the fuck you want!”

-@Gracemckagan   GRACE MCKAGAN

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