Follow Kim Kardashian on Snapchat if You Like Selfies & Duck Face

Kim Kardashian has just added Snapchat to the list of platforms she’s currently dominating. Congrats, bb!

The naked selfie connoisseur tweeted in the middle of the night that she’s just joined Snapchat. Her username is kimkardashian and her icon (basically the Snapchat version of a verified checkmark) is a peach, obviously.

What can we expect from Kim’s snaps? So far, she’s uploaded a duckface selfie so she’s keeping things pretty on-brand at the moment.

You can click this link to add her if you’re on mobile, or manually add her by going to “Add Friends” and typing in “kimkardashian.”

Hopefully next, Snapchat will integrate Kimojis into the platform because sometimes a Snapchat filter just isn’t the same as a gif of cartoon Kim twerking.

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