Head to This Public Fashion Show for Free PBR & Clothes You’ll Actually Want

There’s a lot going on during New York Fashion Week, and in a sea of parties and invites, it can be tough to figure out what’s worth your time.

Well, wonder no more because one of our favorite stylists, Phil Gomez, is throwing the anti-fashion-week we’ve all been waiting for: Fashun Tweek.

The event is actually the second of its kind — the first one was held in February. It features three days’ worth of events at Arrojo Studio on Varick Street in SoHo, and includes, yes, free Pabst Blue Ribbon (and Kettle chips!).

Fashun Tweek’s aim is to break up the monotony of traditional NYFW presentations and events. And in the process, they show futuristic and digital-friendly designs from brands like I Still Love You NYC, Músed, Whatever 21, Stella Rose, and Snowy Wilderness.

Tonight — Friday, September 9th — I STILL LOVE YOU NYC will show at Arrojo Studio at 9 p.m. Tomorrow, Saturday, September 10th MÚSED, WHATEREVER 21, and SNOWY WILDERNESS show at Arrojo. And on Sunday, September 11th, STELLA PARADOX VESTED RELICS will show at Arrojo.

Check it out because before you know it, all the big designers will be biting off of these brands.

Click here for more NYFW events that are open to the public.


Gimme More Fashion

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