Sorry, Hair Trends Are Staying Basic AF This Summer
Even if you aren’t into 2000s style, you have to admit the ridiculousness was kind of fun.
I mean, bedazzling your $60 flip phone? Wearing platform designer sandals to the beach with charms dangling off the thong? Speaking of thongs, remember purposely pulling up your whale-tail to bring all the boys to the yard?
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Another capstone of 2000s extra-ness was the intricate up-dos that you made your mom do for you before a big night at the movie theater. Remember curling your front tendrils to stand out from your bun? Or adding the bow from your Hermes box to your side-ponytail? (Okay, maybe just my bougie friends did that.)
Unfortunately, hair has hit a bit of a stale point. It’s not that color is boring, people are actually experimenting with insane colors regularly, it’s that everyone just wants long flowing tresses that are either straight or curly.
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Obviously, you have the badass outliers who shave their heads or rock dreads (but no white girls, please) — but the go-to look right now is just long and straight or slightly wavy.
Celeb hairstylist Juan Carlos predicted this summer’s hawt trends, and safe to say nothing too cray is happening. Here are his picks for the “summer trends.”
1. The Center Part Straight Lewk
WOW, we have never, ever seen this look before! It’s not like we’ve been using a hair straightener and stalking Kim Kardashian since 2007 or anything!
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2. The Slicked Back Side-Part
Slicking back your hair is the token “basic girl who doesn’t think she’s basic” hairstyle. It’s very, “Oh, I’ve been straightening and curling my hair for the last few weekends, so this weekend I’m really going to change it up!”
Congratulations, every wannabe edgy girl has been doing this since before Instagram was a thing. You look great though!
3. The Wet Look
This was a 2000s jam. Seriously, remember crunching your hair to look perf with your new Hollister lace tank? #Goals. Anyways, this is probably the most tragic and also boring 2000s hair trend, because it still involves wearing your hair down and also involves looking like you took the whole “it’s bad for you to wash your hair too much” thing a little too far.