Exclusive: DJ Jordan Capozzi isn’t afraid to reinvent herself
Many know Capozzi as the tiny blonde-haired DJ killing her sets at festivals and concerts worldwide – many also know her as Lil Debbie. Jordan isn’t new to the industry, she’s been around longer than you think. Jordan’s love for both Fashion and Music has helped her hand in hand while crafting her own identity, she started out styling and directing content for other artists and at a turning point – used all her game and skills she learned along the way and became the Artist we know and love. Jordan has since then surpassed her Lil Debbie era with her new calling as DJ Capozzi. Branding her Italian last name, she’s busier than ever, between traveling the world, working with brands like Adidas, and still pushing content as an artist – she’s truly a force to be reckoned with. Here at Galore, we love profiling artists and creators pushing boundaries. Our Features Contributing Editor, William Camp, discusses everything from her 10+ year career, traveling the world & more with Jordan! Follow Jordan here.
Featured Interview:
First and foremost, how are you?
I’m doing great! I’m happy it’s summer, the weather is beautiful, it’s a good day for me.
You are so successful in the industry when it comes down to being a DJ, You’re constantly traveling from state to state and country to country, what advice would you give someone wanting to take on that adventure?
I would say it all starts with your dedication to learning the craft. When I first started, I used to spend 6+ hours just learning and practicing and perfecting, you definitely have to put the work in behind the scenes. I feel like that’s something that people miss, they think it’s all about networking or being in someone’s face, the real work is the work that you put in and people don’t see. Practice learning! Asking your mentors for help and if they have any advice as well, I would say that’s the key to the bigger picture.
Music oftentimes can impact someone’s lifestyle or set the mood for certain situations, What message do you want to convey to the audience?
I would say my message is Unity and Euphoria within. When people come and see me I want them to know the vibe and the feeling they will get and that’s why set lists are curated and the type of music I pick, it’s all about euphoria and feeling the vibration of the music within yourself. That’s important – how music makes you feel, of course, I want everyone to have fun, fun’s great, but does it make you happy? Are you hitting your high? You know, what is that for somebody?
You have an extensive background in Styling, creating looks for your visuals – what brands are you loving at the moment?
At the moment, as you can tell from my visuals on my Instagram, it’s very dark – black and white, mysterious, for me, it’s a hard question to answer, I think fashion comes with whatever you feel as a person, there are people that are very eclectic, chic, it’s hard to answer. For me right now, I’m loving black and white, one-pieces, cat-like suits, still feminine and glam. For me, glam is simple, clean-cut, slicked-back hair.
How has your personal style evolved in the last few years?
I would say as a woman, in my early 30s, I definitely see myself changing over the years, I’ve become more comfortable in long sleeves, sexy but not America’s version of sexy.
We love that you’re traveling the world, how has that been for you? Any favorite spots?
I’ve recently got back from Italy and I played there, which was such a great experience, I got to meet a lot of my peers in the industry from that festival. That was a great experience for me, it was beautiful, and everyone was super nice. I’ve played in Paris a few times, the Paris crowd is so fun! The way they party is just…wow! I love smoking in the clubs laughs I’m like – live your best life! My hair’s gonna smell like cigarettes but I’m all for it. We rage until 6 am, they’re very accepting and they come to hear great music, so I would say Paris and Italy are my top 2 places to visit.
How was working with Adidas?
Oh, it’s amazing! They are so supportive and very inclusive, I love a brand that’s there purely to cheer you on. They support me 100%, I can’t ask for anything more. Their clothes really complement my style and make working my sets really easy.
You’ve branched from Music, Creating your Debbie cakes line to being a well-respected DJ, is there anything else you’d like to try?
You know…I’m just so focused on Capozzi and getting myself out there, being the best DJ and Producer I can be. As of right now, being 33, all I see in the foreseeable future is Capozzi and making the best music that I can with her.
Your skin is flawless! Do you have a beauty routine?
*laughs* Thank you! So that is the best compliment ever, I’ve suffered from really bad cystic acne and it started in my early 20s. I don’t recommend this for everyone but I did a huge purge, I stopped drinking coffee, no soda, no meat, no dairy, and I completely stripped down my beauty routine to something very simple. I’ve done Hydro-facials, chemical peels, and lasers to get rid of hyperpigmentation. My skin right now is the best it can be. I use iS Clinical cleanser, and I’m loving the plum plump serum from the glow recipe, that shit right there…. is amazing laughs believe the hype! But I would say simplicity is the key to having really good skin and staying hydrated. This is going to sound so tacky and cringe but drink as much water as you can. Drinking water is the best thing for you, be a little active, and sweat a little during the week! I don’t do 20 million serums, that’s just not me – I literally do a cleanser twice a night, I get out of the shower, I do an eye cream (one for night and one for day), moisturizer and SPF are key.
What are some essential items you need before your DJ set, what do you keep on hand that helps you get through a long set?
Oh…I love this, in my bag right now I have Charlotte Tilbury setting powder, duo the green-sensitive eyelash glue, and lip balm (is key!)Fenty lip gloss and lip liner and I keep a sanitizer on me lol I do not play when it comes to that, but I also keep gum or mints with me, and of course – Headphones, I’ve got like 3-5 USBs on me….I stay ready! I also carry a mask on me because sometimes you just don’t know, my anxiety might kick up a bit. I try to keep it basic, a women’s bag is never basic.
Do you have a favorite album so far this year you’re listening to?
That’s a really good question….I do like to stay on top of what my peers in my space are putting
out, I’m always listening to fresh new music that comes out Friday, and I’m very aspartic about what I listen to. Inspiration can come from anywhere, any time of the day, so I’m definitely staying on top of what new music people are coming out with. On top of that, I’m sort of stuck in the past, I’m listening to a lot of 9-inch nails, it’s hard for me to answer that. I listen to a lot of music that comes out of Europe from a lot of my peers and people that I talk to a lot, from France to Italy, so I’m sort of all over the board with it. When making music, you have to be open to a whole bunch of really good music and a whole bunch of bullshit – you never know, you just have to listen.
If you could create a soundtrack for a fashion show, what brand would it be?
This is a fun question, I would love Fendi, I’m a Fendi girl…..and Saint Laurent. Those are my two, those are the kinda girls I am.
What does self-care look like for you?
Self-care to me is a really long hot shower at the end of the day. Literally, the longest hottest shower you could ever take with a beautiful body scrub. People are like “Babe…you take two showers a day??” The end-of-the-day shower is the most important one for me, I’m washing off energy….the city – it takes the day off from you and you feel refreshed, crispy, and brand new. If you’re looking for something effective and affordable, a hot ass burning shower will do it.
What advice would you give your 16-year-old self?
Oh….a couple come to mind. Shut up and listen, literally, that’s the first thing that comes to mind. Nobody cares, work harder! People think that success is overnight and it’s not, a lot of the people that you think became successful overnight have put in footwork that nobody else has seen.
Lastly, what can fans expect from you this year?
A lot of new music, fun shows, fun places! We like to stay a little mysterious…. Forever working on music, going to shows but also living life and having fun along the way.
Team Credits:
Interviewed by: William Camp
Edited by: Perry Johnson
PR/Management: Dannie Fite