Carrie Lane Defies the “Plus” Stigma While Also Making Killer Tunes
Curvy models get a weird reputation.
Yes, they inspire body-positivity and bring diversity into the mainstream, but on the flip side, they’re stuck with an industry spawned stigma that’s created from the word “plus”.
But what about the in-between girls who aren’t necessarily the stereotypical “plus,” but also aren’t the super thin model type? Well, Carrie Lane is a musician and also technically a plus-sized model despite not “looking” like it.
While Carrie proves that even these in-between models can be slapped with this label, she’s def not about to let those meaningless words define her. And besides, have you heard her tunes?
What made you want to pursue a career in music?
So I grew up doing musical theater. Any one who did fell in love with the music part of it. I was so obsessed with musical theater, but then I realized I wasn’t as interesting in playing other people’s roles as I was in playing my own. So I thought music itself might be my path. I didn’t really start doing music until 3-4 years ago.
Who are some of your biggest inspirations?
Lana Del Rey. I love her vibe with a little bit of that Amy Winehouse sound.
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How did you get into modeling?
I got into modeling actually before music. When I was doing musical theatre, I was modeling as well. I signed my first big modeling contract when I was 18. They kind of were side by side, the industry really crosses over. Just like creative people and visual people, regardless of their medium, it all kind of intersects and its interesting to capture.
If you’re musician, people will connect to other parts of you as well, and the modeling is kind of what that became for me.
Despite being labeled as a plus-sized model, you don’t even look like it. How do you deal with that stigma?
People get angry with me, and tell me it’s not fair to people who are actually plus size. I’m in agreement with that, but it’s about the size clothing I can do. When I tag something as plus-sized, people tell me to stop telling others that I’m a model. I really agree, it’s a fine line between being “plus” and “curvy.”
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Are there benefits to being a curvy model that people might not know about?
It’s weird, people think that if you’re a curve model, you can just let yourself go but it’s the exact opposite. You have to fit certain measurements. I’m still going to get the same scrutiny as a size zero. It’s harder when you’re bigger to look healthy. You’re going to see girls with bigger structure that are toned. A lot of the curve models work out seven days a week.
I don’t think there are any specific benefits, but it can be little friendlier and less competitive.
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Has that label warped your perception of yourself at all?
I mean, it’s interesting because now agencies are leaning towards the word “curve” because “plus” has a negative connotation. It’s weird to be put into any category, but especially one that I don’t align with really. It’s been a challenge because I didn’t start out in the curve division. I was mid sized when I started at 18 when all of the sudden my boobs came in, my hips dropped. It was hard to adjust. They were just like now you’re plus sized, and no longer a normal sized. It kind of got in my head.
What’s your biggest insecurity and how have you learned to accept it or, conversely, tried to mask it?
My biggest insecurity is always that I’m not good enough, not smart enough, skinny, pretty whatever. There’s always a feeling like I’m not doing enough. I’ve combated that by working harder than everyone who is doing the same things as me. They could be more talented, but they might not be putting in the time. If you’re putting in the work, people will pay attention.
What’s the most valuable advice someone has given you?
Trust your guts especially with music instead of modeling because technically you’re the client, but there are so many hands in the pot. Sometimes that’s overwhelming and it’s hard to remember what originally motivated you to do something. If you remember that initial instinct you had and why you had it.
What would you tell other girls who want to pursue modeling but might not fit that skinny af stereotype?
I think that the number one thing that people are seeing because now there are so many different types of modeling. The most important thing is that if you love doing it, just keep doing it. Someone is going to connect with it. I know models that are 5’2 and 300 pounds. There is a space for you.
What is your most treasured possession?
My notebook. I have like million of them and they have become a bookshelf in my house. If I have my back pack, I guarantee there’s a notebook in there. If I don’t have something to write in, it drives me crazy.
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Who’s the coolest person you can think of and why?
Rozes, that’s my girl. She’s like my person and I’ve never met anyone who is so unapologetically themselves, and she keeps me grounded. I just love the living daylights out of her.
What song would you want on repeat at your funeral?
“Jersey Girl” by Bruce Springsteen. I’m a Jersey girl through and through, it just reminds me of late night drives with my dad.
If you had to pick one movie to symbolize your life/dreams/goals, what would it be?
Dirty Dancing because I’ve always had this weird obsession with Baby. Even though she’s fragile, she finds herself through dancing. Just watching someone find themselves is such an amazing process.
Photography: Lisa Muller