Cara Delevingne Hacked All Her Hair Off!

“Alas, parting is such sweet sorrow,” Cara Delevingne may have been thinking as she reached for a razor and shaved off all her hair on Thursday night.

Or maybe she was just like, “YOLO bitches. No hair don’t care.”

Actually on second thought, she was probably just like, “oh no,” because that’s how she captioned this picture of her sort of grey, sort of pink, sort of blonde hair on the ground.

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TBH good riddance.

Those strands had clearly seen healthier days.

Here’s a look at the finished product:

I’m coming for you @lifeinayearmovie

A post shared by Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) on

Apparently, it’s for a role in a movie called “Life in a Year” and it’s apparently the same movie Jaden Smith cut his hair for. So all you have to do to get a good portion of young Hollywood to chop their iconic locks is put them in a movie together. Who knew!

READ ALSO: FYI, It’s Bad to Brush Wet Hair

[H/T Teen Vogue]

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