Bloody Bananas Shares “Bad Taste” Single, Debut EP Coming Soon
Cary LaScala has a lengthy resume as a drummer, touring and recording with the likes of Jackson United (Foo Fighters), Wild Party, and Casey Spooner (Fisherspooner), however his newest project, Bloody Bananas sees him step into the role of bandleader and frontman.

LISTEN/WATCH & SHARE: Bloody Bananas – “Bad Taste”
Following a duo of singles released last year, LaScala is back with a new track titled “Bad Taste”, which hints at the fuzz of early-aughts garage rock, while maintaining catchy, pop sensibilities. Speaking on the song’s sonics, LaScala said, “Bad Taste switches between dark and pop chords with a dancey payoff in the chorus. When I wrote it, I was feeling dissonance and disenchanted from a bad relationship yet happy to leave all at once.”
Despite this being his first go around at heading up a band, LaScala seems to have had no difficulty in sculpting the sound of Bloody Bananas, creating his own blend of indie pop and garage rock. Enlisting the help of producer Ethan Kaufmann (Wild Party, Paper Jackets), Bloody Bananas sounds like a band who has long since found its groove and settled into a sound uniquely their own.
“Bad Taste” is a forebearer for a new EP from Bloody Bananas, coming soon. You can also catch him live at one of his series of tour stops in California this March. The full list of dates is featured below, as well as a short conversation between LaScala and Galore.
Featured Interview:
1. Your new track “Bad Taste” has a very 00’s garage pop sound to it. What were some of the bands you took influence in creating the song, and for the act as a whole?
I’ve been told my songs sound like The Strokes and Arcade Fire, but I’m not trying to replicate any bands from then. I’m sure I have plenty of ambiguous influences buried within me from listening to all sorts of music my whole life, that come out in some way when I sit down to write songs. I’m mostly influenced by blending chords and melodies together that trigger emotions I feel from the sounds I create.
2. You’ve spent the majority of your career as a drummer—how has the transition been for you from band member to bandleader? What have been some pros and cons about the experience?
I’ve spent most of my time behind the drums observing and helping write songs with many of the bands I’ve been part of while making mental notes for when I have my own band. The transition has been exciting for me and I’ve found a lot of peace performing live as a singer. For some reason, I don’t get nervous being on stage in front of a crowd and I like feeling the pressure to put on a good show. The only cons would be that I’m my own worst enemy, so I’ve triple guessed everything I’ve ever written.

Bloody Bananas Tour Dates
March 21th, 2024 San Francisco, California @ Bottom of the Hill
March 20th, 2024 – Santa Cruz, California @ Atrium/Catalyst
March 19th, 2024 – Sacramento, California @ The Starlet Room
March 17th, 2024 – Los Angeles, California @ Troubadour
March 16th, 2024 – Pioneertown, California @ Pappy & Harriet’s
March 15th, 2024 – San Diego, California @ Soda Bar