Adele’s So Sad About Brangelina She Dedicated Her Concert to Them

Yesterday, the world as we know it changed.

After continually calling the paparazzi on themselves for 11 years, news broke that Angelina Jolie was divorcing the man who cheated on his wife of 5 years to be with her.

But as sad as we all were that such a pure love had died, Adele was even sadder, which is very on brand for her seeing as she’s made an entire career off of being upset over breakups. Usually they’re her own, but honestly, it’s nice to see her branching out now that she’s maturing as an artist.

“Can we talk about the elephant in the room,” Adele asked the sold-out crowd at her Madison Square Garden concert last night. “Brangelina are broken up!”

“I’m dedicating this show tonight to them. I don’t like all the gossip and personal lives are private. I woke up this morning, and I was shocked,” Adele announced, adding that this was the “end of an era.”

So far as I can tell, this wasn’t supposed to be a humorous moment even though the audience found the entire ordeal just as hilarious as I did.

Adele actually seems genuinely upset that a famous celebrity couple broke up.

Just throwing it out there, but maybe Adele has too many feelings.


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