Adderall Is Literally Named After ‘ADD For All’
Take a walk around your local college campus, and try to find somebody who hasn’t taken Adderall. Go on, I dare you.
Some people take it because they want to stay up all night studying for an exam, some people snort it before they go out for the night, and some people take it because it makes them stop wanting to eat literally everything at the dining hall buffet.
Of course, not everyone who takes Adderall is abusing it. But do you really think everyone taking adderall has A.D.D or A.D.H.D?
Apparently, the makers of Adderall do. Adderall’s origins indicate that the medication — and the disorder itself — might be just as shady as you thought.
In fact, “A.D.D. for all” is the phrase that inspired the name Adderall, according to Alan Schwarz, author of the new book “A.D.H.D. Nation,” in an interview with The New York Times. In fact, back in the day, the drug used to be called Obetrol and was prescribed for weight loss. Then A.D.D. became a thing and the formula and name were tweaked.
Hmm… sounds kinda sketch, doesn’t it? Almost like the creators of Adderall knew they could get everyone and their mother to take Adderall and succeed in getting rich af off of it.
In fact, only about five percent of American children have A.D.H.D, but over 15 percent of American children are prescribed Adderall, according to the American Psychiatric Association.
But pharmaceutical companies aren’t just getting rich off of people who take Adderall, they’re getting rich at the expense of those people’s health.
Adderall can quickly become addictive, which can lead to anxiety, panic attacks, and an overall sense of apathy, similar to the effect of anti-depression medication on some people.
While it’s easy to get your hands on a prescription for Adderall, or buy some off of a friend, it’s not so easy to get off of Adderall.
“It becomes extremely psychologically and physiologically addictive,” explained Dr. Harris Stratyner to The New York Times. “It’s really a tough drug to get off of.”
Stratyner said that it isn’t uncommon for him to hospitalize patients who are trying to get off of Adderall, as most people experience intense withdrawal symptoms, including nausea, chills, diarrhea, body aches, and even seizures in some cases.
Whether you’re anti-Big Pharma or don’t even know WTF Big Pharma is, one thing is for sure: you should think twice before popping a little blue pill.