Sudanese-Ethiopian rock & pop star Alemeda is not only the future of these genres but there is no doubting that she is destined for greatness. Stepping outside of cultural norms, Alemeda always knew she had to follow her heart and live her life for no one other than herself. We chatted with her about her upbringing, music and all things beauty – keep reading below for the inside scoop!




What are some of your favorite things about your Ethiopian and Sudanese cultures?

My favorite parts of Ethiopian and Sudani culture are definitely the food and the music.

What was it like being raised in Ethiopia and Arizona?

They were very different in many ways but the biggest distinction would probably be the communities and their values. Ethiopian culture is incredibly community-oriented and inclusive whereas Arizona felt very isolating and secluded.

Growing up, what type of music did you listen to?

A lot of radio pop and rock.

When did you get your first introduction into the music industry?

I remember posting covers on Instagram. One day, my now manager reached out and flew me out to Los Angeles for my first real introduction to the music industry.

You’ve spoken about not having much support from your family as an aspiring artist, do you still struggle with that, or have they become more accepting now? How did you persevere with your career knowing the people closest to you didn’t agree with it?

I was the rebellious child in my family so I didn’t really care about going against them. They still aren’t supportive of it and they’ve never heard my music, but I actually appreciate the separation. It was never an expectation of them so it never disappointed me.

What advice do you have for anyone who may be going through the same thing?

My biggest advice that I’ve learned is that it’s your life and no one else’s opinion matters but yours.


Early this year you went back home to Ethiopia for the first time in a decade. Talk to us about what that experience was like and your favorite memory from it.

It was very surreal. I really enjoyed seeing my family and spending time with them. It reminded me of how truly incredible it is to have community and the importance of connection. 

What interested you about the rock and pop music genres?

Growing up I wasn’t allowed to listen to music for religious reasons, the only exposure I had to music was from the radio. I would sneak my family’s clock radio into my room when they were asleep so I could listen, and that’s how I discovered artists like Coldplay and whatever was on the top hits in the early 2000s. That time period really shaped my taste today.

In 2021 you released your debut single “Gonna Bleach My Eyebrows” which has over 12 million streams to date. Talk to us about the inspiration for this song and how you felt when it blew up.

The song was inspired by a previous relationship I was in and how I felt about that person trying to rekindle things. I was honestly shocked it blew up. Out of all my songs that was the last one I thought people would like.


The following year you released “Post Nut Clarity” which was well received by your supporters. What was the post nut clarity that inspired this song?

Post Nut Clarity” was a song I wrote about an issue I feel all women face with men and I felt it needed to be vocalized!

Your latest song “Guys Girl” has an accompanying visual that was released back in May. Talk to us about the concept of this song and the process creating this video.

The song’s video has a storyline of a friendship that begins to suffer due to one of them being boy crazy. It was one of my first storyline videos so it was super fun and different to film and I really love how it turned out.

Are you a guy’s girl or a girl’s girl? What’s the difference between the two?

I would say I’m definitely a girls girl. I never really sought validation from men – if anything that’s the last place I’d look for it!

When can we expect a full project from you?

My EP will be releasing this fall!

What rock star would you love to work with one day and why?

Everyone in Coldplay – I can’t choose! I think the whole band makes such amazing music and so many of their songs I would consider my life tracks.

What’s your current makeup routine?

Recently I have been really into black eyeliner and red lipstick. I specifically use Maybelline lipstick and Kajal, which is an Arabic eyeliner.

What are two items in your closet can you not live without?

Cowboy boots and ALL of my denim.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Anything from Ethiopia!

What’s next for Alemeda besides new music?

I would love to branch out and spread my creativity around more industries so we will see!


Editor-in-Chief: Prince Chenoa (@princechenoastudio)

Feature Editor: Taylor Winter Wilson (@taylorwinter)

Cover Art Design: Carlos Graciano (@sadpapi666)

Photographer: Kaio Cesar (@kaiocsr)

Makeup Artist: Kelby Adams (@cultofkelby)

Hair Stylist: Vicky B (@whoisvickyb)

Wardrobe Stylist: Damaris Flores (@styleisinyou)

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