Rihanna Went to the Women’s March in Pink Tulle and Stilettos

While most women who got dressed for the Women’s March on Saturday understandably prioritized comfort over fashion, when Rihanna got dressed she thought to herself, “Who cares about my arch support, I’m just gonna look fabulous.”

READ ALSO: The Best Protest Signs From the 2017 Women’s March 

Even though Rihanna’s been keeping it casual and wearing sweatsuits to the club, on Saturday Rihanna made a guest appearance at the Women’s March a “protest looQ” with a randomly capitalized Q.

Wearing a pink “this p***y grabs back” sweatshirt layered under a fabric-heavy strapless tulle tank top, a fur stole, ripped jeans, pink stilletos, and a pink middle fingers up Dad hat, Rihanna put the capital Q in protest QT.

READ ALSO: Rihanna Went Clubbing in a Glorified Juicy Sweatsuit


protest looQs 🐯

A photo posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on

By the looks of things — i.e. the sky — Rihanna skipped all the marching during the day stuff to prep for her big night glam moment, but that’s just Rihanna.

She’s notoriously late to things and nobody ever cares because when she does show up she doesn’t just act like a normal celebrity making a public appearance.

Instead she does things like mingle with the protesting public, dab in their videos, and take moody selfies with a bunch of discarded protest signs.

Must be hard being so fabulous.

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