Prince Once Released a Record Full of Girlfriend Kim Basinger’s Sex Sounds
In 1989, Prince and Kim Basinger did something kind of crazy. They released a 19-minute-long EP that’s rumored to be a recording of the two of them having sex.
The EP was appropriately titled “The Scandalous Sex Suite,” and it was a remixed version of “Scandalous,” a song Prince wrote for Batman, a movie in which Basinger stared.
There were some guitar solos, flirty conversations, and the suite reached a climax with a whole lot of orgasmic moaning.
Described as a “lover’s dialogue” by Prince’s then-publicist Jill Willis in the Lawrence Journal-World, she clarified, “It’s not the language itself, but more the suggestiveness of the language…that may make it sort of scandalous. To my knowledge, there are no four letter words in it.”
According to Willis, the recording session took place in his Paisley Park mansion, and things quickly turned erotic. In fact, Paisley Park Records VP Alan Leeds felt the need to leave the studio early, because he had a feeling about what was going to go down after Prince opened a jar of honey.
“I think the fact that he felt uncomfortable enough to leave the studio tells you something,” Willis said. “I don’t think they were making tea.”
If the rumors can be believed, sound engineers came in the next morning to find honey smeared all over the mixing board.
Sounds pretty kinky to us.
In 2015 The Daily Beast asked Kim about “that song that’s been immortalized, allegedly of you two making love” and Kim denied absolutely nothing:
“[Laughs] That song. Oh, I know. Oh dear! Ah, yes. Sex runs the world in a lot of ways! If only women knew how powerful they were, they’d just say ‘no, no more babies,’ and then we’d run the world. So there you go!”
Sadly, this forgotten sex EP isn’t available to listen to online (even on Tidal), so you’ll just have to use your imagination on this one.