Zayn Malik Got a Glow in the Dark Sword Tattoo, Like Any Adult Man Would

Like any person who started getting tattoos at a young age, Zayn Malik has a few he’ll probably regret by the time he’s 30, but his most recent one really takes the cake.

Are you ready for this?

It’s a lightsaber, on his middle finger that, wait for it, GLOWS IN THE DARK.

May the force be with you @zayn #uvink #starwars #jonboytattoo

A photo posted by c/s Jon Boy p/v (@jonboytattoo) on

Gigi, on behalf of all of us here at Galore, I’d like to offer you our deepest, most heartfelt condolences.

But don’t worry, this kind of thing happens to the best of us.

Or at least something very similar happened to me.

My boyfriend downloaded Pokemon Go last week. And he’s 26, if that makes you feel any better — three full years older than Zayn.

On the bright side Gigi, at least your boyfriend is really hot and has a voice that could bring an angel to tears.

Take comfort in that.

Gimme More POP

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