Trisha Paytas Has Entered Her Best Era Yet: Her Mommy Era
By: Ashley Uzer
In fact, the Iconic YouTuber has been waiting for this era for her whole life, and it looks so good on her. We sat down with Trisha, her husband Moses, and her sweet baby girl, Malibu Barbie Paytas-Hacmon, to talk about the OG Vlogger’s transformation from trolling on YouTube to living her dream of starting a family. Join us as we walk down memory lane with Trisha through all of her epic eras.

Featured Interview:
How has the journey into motherhood been since having Malibu?
It’s not as easy as it looks. I thought I would have been the most natural, instinctual mother but it didn’t happen immediately for me. I think if you talk about the personal struggles you have transitioning into motherhood, you get judged. It changes your whole life. and while you expect that to happen, you can never know how you’ll feel about it once it does. I had to do postpartum therapy to let me know my feelings were normal. I was scared. I was scared I wasn’t going to be a good mom. She would cry and I wouldn’t know what to do. the first year is a struggle. it took me almost 6 months to know what cry meant. But she is the most purest, wholesome being in this world. She is so full of love and light and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Malibu will change the world and I’m lucky enough to guide her on her journey. The first few months, I mourned the life I had and now I can’t even remember life before her. She truly is the center of my world. Everything I do is for her. Truly nothing bothers me anymore, because I have her giggles, smiles, and cuddles that make the world a perfect place.
What are your top tips for us girls wanting to be moms?
The best tip I can give is to just trust your gut. I was constantly googling, reading comments, etc about what a good mom does. When in reality, every single baby is different and you know what’s best for your baby. The moment I stopped being scared of if I was a good mom, was the moment I became a good mom. Babies are pretty indestructible, they’re durable, and try not to worry so much. Even if you don’t have the maternal instinct right away, it kicks in. I was shocked, when all of a sudden I knew everything she needed and when. Sometimes I don’t even know what I need when I’m upset or hungry but with her, I know every time. It’s truly a magical thing how a baby changes you. and you will change so drastically. It’s an adjustment but oh is the growth worth it?

How would you feel if Malibu followed in the footsteps of a celebrity, are we having a Kris Jenner moment?
I always wanted to perform and be in the spotlight since I could. At 5 years old, I was auditioning for local plays and begging my mom to get me on TV. I just loved performing in our living room, backyard, wherever. I will help and support her in any way possible. If she wants to be a performer or a geologist, I will go full out for her. I just can’t wait to see what her personality will be, and what her interests are. She’s already such a singer. She really does harmonize with me in the morning. She just is always singing and it’s so exciting to watch.
Growing up as a girl from the Midwest, what type of values did your mom instill in you and how has that helped to impact your future?
As much as I hated growing up in the Midwest, it is a great place to grow up. Everyone I’ve met in LA who shows kindness and compassion is from the Midwest. The lifestyle is slower pace, not everyone is looking for fame and riches. People are much more content just living back there. And while I fought that mentality growing up, I’ve really fallen back into it now. I just do the simple things, go to the grocery store to pick out stuff for dinner and get your favorite snacks. Or sitting outside on a swing, talking about your day with family. LA is very go-go-go-go. what’s the next project you’re doing? What’s next? I now, let life happen. I don’t chase anymore. And there’s so much peace in that.
What does family mean to you as you are living the dream?
Family is everything. They are the ones who knew you from day 1. My husband, daughter, mom, sister, dad, and brother; have all been there for me in the darkest time. If you have a good loving family, I think you’ve won the lottery. They’ll be there for you when you need them most. I really have seen friendships fall when the pendulum swings. When you lose followers and fame, get canceled, have a baby, or get married; so many people disappear. But family keeps you grounded, gives you purpose, and sets you in reality. I’ve been lucky to have a family who sees me at the bottom and he helps me get up time and time again. It’s the most important thing to me.

Tell us about Just Trish the most fabulous pink podcast ever you have had so many great guests.
This is living my dream. Just Trish is my ultimate manifestation. I’m the star of my own show and get to interview all the celebrities and influencers I admire. I’ve always had pop culture and now I want to immerse myself in it 2x a week and get paid! it’s the dream job. It feels like my 9th life on YouTube We wanted it to feel like a TV show, so we had the Y2K handheld mics, and the oversized chairs so I looked petite. Hollywood magic. my husband built the entire set for me, and ran the camera and audio – so we are doing it grassroots out of our house. I also have an amazing producer, editor, and co-host Oscar who I’ve known for 15 years, and it’s just a dream to get to chit-chat every week for hours about celebrity gossip. It’s my escape each week to just observe other people’s lives in the world, and hopefully entertain. I try to come at it out of love. Sometimes gossip can be petty, but we try to make it more fun and light-hearted.
Who would be your dream guest dead or alive?
Donny Osmond was my dream guest and I had him on by the 10th episode. Isn’t that crazy? that was the moment I felt I was on the right path, that this was the long run for me. I would love to have Britney Spears and Gerard Way on as well. Most recently, I’ve been obsessed with The Weeknd. I think I was the only person who LOVED “The Idol” it was the most perfect show in my eyes.
Who would you hate to interview?

What is one misconception the public has of you?
That I’m still the same person I was 15 years ago. I trolled back in the day to get attention, even if it meant negative. I wasn’t getting it anywhere in my life at the time. I was extremely hurt, bitter, and jealous in my 20’s. I was lonely and envious of anyone who had friends, relationships, etc. I was in such a negative space, I was holding myself back. I went through a really big spiritual enlightenment in the fall of 2021 and it changed my life. I started focusing on the good in my life, grateful for things I already had, and learned all the secrets of the universe. Within months, I was married, I got pregnant after being told I was infertile, my debt was being paid off, anxiety was lifted, and I was sleeping through the nights. And then, of course, having my baby, any other ego things like selfishness disappeared. There was now something greater than myself, a gift from the universe. It was through this divinity that I discovered the meaning of life.
You channeled your inner Marilyn for this shoot, what is it about Marilyn that inspires you?
Marilyn was the bombshell, the epitome of beauty and feminity. But it’s the way she dealt with the public being so cruel to her in life, that was inspiring. She kept going, she kept it positive. She was often playing the “dumb blonde” but it takes a genius to pull off fooling the world. The biggest movie star and everyone was talking about her then and now. The deeper you get into it, you realize she was doing all this while dealing with mental disorders, not having a family, men using her, and miscarriages; she was going through so much but you would have never known. I felt that with Anna Nicole Smith too. They were so true to who they were, while everyone was constantly trying to bring them down with speculation. They had such a bright light, that people didn’t know how to react to it. I wish they could see the love, admiration, and impact they still have on the world, and girls today.

Also, where would you and Marilyn Monroe do a Mukbang what do you think her Taco Bell order would be?
Marilyn would be a McDonald’s girly for sure. Big Mac and a Coke! But if I ever get to do a Mukbang with Marilyn in heaven, we are doing it at Mastro’s. Steak, lobster, and champagne. Wouldn’t that be delicate?
What advice would you give 18-year-old Trisha now?
IT ALL WORKS OUT!!!! better than you could ever expect it. you get the happy ending complete with a knight in shining armor, a castle, and your very own princess. so stop worrying so much, have fun, live life, enjoy your youth….and don’t do drugs. also, you’re not fat!
How has your creativity disrupted the influencer and podcasting space, you are truly one of a kind in the best way.
Aw, thank you! I know I’m just a different kind. I never really fit in with any of the cool kids in high school, so I wouldn’t expect to be in the cool kids group on social media. I never get invited to social media events or awards shows. I think I’m a little socially awkward as well. the things I think about, are not what most people think about. it’s hard to explain. I think creatively I’m changing what I’m passionate about every day so my content can feel chaotic. Sometimes I don’t know who I am and sometimes I think I’m other people and that influences my art, I guess you could say. Most entertainers want to entertain others, I kind of just want to entertain myself.

When we think of Barbie and Pink it’s you and Ms.Minaj, where did love for pink and all things fab and glam come from?
Omg, what a compliment. I’m a Barbz and can’t wait for Pink Friday 2. I would be Nicki if I had talent for sure. I think pink is just a lifestyle, you get it or you don’t. I was heavily inspired by Elle Woods growing up. I saw legally blonde when I was like 12 and I wanted to be her; smart and glittery. Pink is a hyper feminine color and it just always made me happy. It represents womanhood. And while I struggled with feeling my gender, pink gave me something to relate to being born female. It’s something I could connect with that wasn’t about my body, it was about light and fun.
This shoot focused on all the eras of Trisha do you have a favorite era and a least favorite era?
My favorite era is now, Mommy Trish, this is what I’ve been waiting for my whole life. My purpose. I feel complete. My least favorite era is Crying on the kitchen floor, I see those clips and I feel the pain all over again. I wouldn’t wish that loneliness and despair on anyone. I was a prisoner in my own head.
If you could take our king Gerard Way on a date where would you go?
I would love to just go get Starbucks with him. would love to know his order. are we getting just black coffee or a cookie crumble frap? I would love to just belt out the last chorus to Helena at karaoke. it’s my go-to. carpool karaoke would be my absolute dream with him. our spouses could come too! lol
What song by My chemical romance is a must for all beginner stans?
I’m Not OK. The emo kid anthem for emos and non-emos alike. It’s such a great song and his vocals are so relatable. I think we’ve all gone through the phases of just screaming, I’m NOT OKAY! I’M NOT OKAY! NO, I”M NOT OKAY I’M REALLY NOT OK. without a doubt the song that influenced my entire life and my own band, Sadboy2005.

If you did Playboy during the Heffner era, would you keep the same name or come up with something wild as the name Anna Nicole?
Anna Nicole was so classic. Such an iconic name. it’s funny, cause I tried to do Playboy when Hef was alive and got to hang out at the mansion a few times before I got canned for gaining weight and never invited back. But I always wanted to use the name, Trisha Tarantino. I like the alliteration of it and thought people would think I was related to Quentin Tarantino. it was my name on myspace for a while but then it felt a little fraudulent and I didn’t want Quentin to think I was weird or file a restraining order against me.
On that note of Anna Nicole Smith, what one question you would ask her on the podcast?
She’s such a goddess to me; I would want to know where she got her kindness in a world that wasn’t kind to her. She seemed like such a sweetheart. She didn’t have a great upbringing yet she took care of herself and her son. I would ask her if she’s ok. I feel like no one ever was there to just ask if she was okay.
Omg, imagine you and Ana at KFC in your fast food era omg screaming here!
I would cry. I loved that she just loved food and wasn’t scared to eat on camera the way we all eat. Powdered sugar donuts lying on the couch, stopping to get pickles in her limo after a hibachi date. She had life figured out. and made me feel ok to eat.
You have the most amazing home you even have a Mariah Carey-inspired couch and a Beetlejuice table what went through your mind when decorating your home?
Pop culture and no identity of my own. I loved over-the-top, tacky, and that was only found in the movies. You won’t see that stuff in Better Homes magazine or Z Gallerie. I loved that Mariah had an unapologetically gaudy house. Both her couch and the Beetlejuice dining room have been stuck in my head as my dream rooms since I was a little kid. It’s really living in my ultimate fun house. I’m so lucky I married a furniture designer, he can make me anything! just making all of little Trish’s dreams come true.

Could we see a Just Trish home collection like we need those bedazzled kitchen accessories and Tumblrs?
Now that is a good idea. I never thought about that. but yes, we have bedazzled keruigs, mugs, and fruits for the center of the table that never go bad. you may be on to something.
Favorite food to cook at home for your family?
we are a pasta family. just call me Trisha Pastas. lasagna is the ultimate favorite. but we do simple buttered noodles, tomato cheesy pasta, alfredo, baked ziti – I seriously can’t even go out for Italian anymore because we cook it so well.
What is your beauty philosophy?
You’re the most beautiful you. not one person will have your looks, aesthetics, or beauty. and that makes you so beautiful. Comparing yourself to others is so silly, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I truly feel like I am the most beautiful woman in the world, and my god, I hope every woman would say the same about themselves.
What is your signature fragrance?
Britney Spears ‘Curious’ as if that’s even a real question?
What is one drugstore beauty item you can’t live without?
the great lash Maybelline mascara in the pink bottle with the green top. my mom used that when I was a little girl, same packaging. and it’s the only one that works and doesn’t flake off. I’m obsessed with it. I feel like it’s been around so long because everyone knows it to be the tried and true.
What self-tanner do you swear by?
JERGENS WET SKIN!!!!! you put it on right after your shower and it literally in dries in minutes, doesn’t get on your sheets or clothes, and HYDRATES YOU! Every spray tan would make my skin so dry, this one actually makes you glow.
When did you feel you finally made it?
To me, it was my interview with Donny Osmond. I had met him about a dozen times before at meet-and-greets. saw him as a kid In “Joseph”; my first Broadway show. He was my comfort person. I was so delulu thinking he would come on my relatively unknown podcast. So when the universe aligned and made it happen, I thought this is my sign. this is my answer. this is what I’m meant to be doing. I’ve been on cloud nine ever since. and truly have the confidence to do anything.
What has your husband Moises taught you about life and what inspired the Emo wedding moment?
Everything. He saved my life and on a few occasions, I mean literally. He has great philosophies about water. When I first met him I thought he was nuts. he was obsessed with water, water photography, going to the ocean lakes, would meditating in the shower for like an hour. I didn’t get it – but when I did, it hit me. We are all fluid beings, we are not our bodies, we are not time, and we all came from the earth and will go back to it. Life is a flow and it’s a beautiful thing. Water is life.
He taught me to take a beat before reacting. he loved me so much, I started thinking I should try to love myself the same way. He lets me be me and never once judges me for anything. I’ve always morphed into my partners and this is the first time, it actually worked in my favor. love was finally healing me rather than destroying me.
The emo wedding came during my emo band days. I started an emo band in my 30s called Sadboy2005, so it was a phase. but he was all about it. I saw Christine Quinn’s beautiful black wedding dress from Ghalia Lahav and instantly knew that was the vibe. I never saw myself getting married in white. it was stunning. so naturally that influenced me walking down the aisle to “Black Parade” and yes the one with Gerard vocals, no violin shit.
How do you decompress?
cooking and our nighttime routine as a family. baths, food, and tv! I look forward to it every day at 5 pm. Work stops and phones are down.
if I get overwhelmed, meditation. I do it every morning. Moses built me a mediation room upstairs where I could sit with all my deities. being completely silent with no thoughts, the universe hugs me.
Can you tell us about your manifestation method?
I see everything I want so clearly. I see it happening. I smell the smells, what I’m wearing, I see it and I see it over and over. I’m always daydreaming. and it always comes to fruition. I never doubt it anymore. I used to say oh, “No one will love me” or “I have no connections this will never happen”; the universe always finds a way for you even if you have no idea how it will happen. it’s so powerful if you just believe. but if you doubt it, worry, or question it, it blocks the blessings from coming your way. let it happen.
King Tut we need answers tell us about how this came about and if we will see another Halloween costume moment this year go just as viral.
King Tut was just one of those random moments. it was quarantine and I was bored so every day I was buying cheap costumes online and just dressing up and making content. TikTok was so fresh for me at the time and it was the only thing keeping me sane. It was a whole new creative outlet for me. I just had this costume and I actually danced to a few other songs the same day in it, and for some reason, it went viral. the song is an old Steve Martin song, even before my time, so I was shaking this new generation loved it. I think the caption really resonated with people as well “#euphoric will prob delete. prob offensive”.

What advice would you give your fans out there?
if I can do it, you can do it. literally. I never had connections, education, or talent and I became a multi-millionaire. I don’t even know how. I am mentally ill with a severe personality disorder but I still found love and I’m the best mom. I’m fat but I made the cover of this magazine as a model.
you can do it. don’t let anything hold you back
And what is next for you we need a Trisha music album and a movie we want Trisha’s world domination!
I would love to finish the third sadboy album, act in a TV show, and get my own talk show. I would love to have T magazine like O and be the cover girl every month and brand Trish everything!
Trish Bling Kitchen Appliances
and a Just Trish museum where you can come and do ASMR, cry on the kitchen floor, play in Malibu Barbie’s world, and dance with AI Trish wearing the King Tut outfit. and Korean fried cheese sticks for all!
Team Credits:
Photography: Tyler Twitty @tyylertwitty
Editor-in-chief/Creative Direction: Prince Chenoa @princechenoastudio
Hair Stylist: Jason Hair @jasonhaiir
Make-up: Arianna Garcia @makeupari_
Wardrobe Stylist: Bianca Agrusa @bianca_agrusa
Cover Design: Carlos Graciano @sadpapi666
Interviewed by: Ashley Uzer @loxandleather
Galore Features Editor: Perrin Johnson (@Editsbyperry)