The Future with Girl Ultra
Girl Ultra, is an R&B artist from Mexico City. Her unique voice melded with versatile R&B beats make her the perfect artistic to become obsessed with. Here at Galore we had the pleasure of interviewing Girl Ultra on her curation process, healing, her influences, her new EP, and how she dominates the stage.
A lot of people believed the stunt for “Amores de Droga”?
Yeah, many people, I’m very hystrionic. My family believed that, everyone was commenting the post on instagram but certainly, i would never make an announce like that. No one pays attention to posts anymore, and people likes the gossip about that kind of news so I said: “Let’s check if it’s truth…”
How was the process for “Amores de Droga” ?
It was the first approach to the sound and texture of the new EP in which I’m working. It’s very related to the 2000’s club era. When I first started this project as Girl Ultra I used to be a DJ and played House music and I believe that it’s a little bit complicated to pinch R&B music unless it has an edit. I really wanted to pinch my own music so I started this new experiment which is very inspired in Madonna’s album “Ray of Light”.
I mean, I reached for something with these highly processed and amplified guitars and in a certain ways it’s like a prologue for the second part of the EP (yeah, it comes in two parts)
Dress: MARVIN Y QUETZAL BRAND (@marvinyquetzal_brand

And what about the video?
I wrote the script and Cole Santiago directed the video. She’s from LA and she already worked with Willow Smith, Bad Bunny, Lorde, etcetera. I always write my videos and I look for the right person to direct them. We decided to film in LA and I invited Pablo Sotelo from the band Inner Wave to co-star the video with me.
And what happened in the in between of “Rosas” and “Amores de Droga”?
Well I wrote like 40 songs, half of them are in the trashcan right now. This is the first time I took my time and make a lot of music and then I decided what I wanted to do with all of that.
In my last album “Nuevos Aires” I decided to make an album and then started to make music but this time I made music before even knew that I was going to do an album.


You always sing to love, the process of this album helped you to heal something?
Yeah, it’s something very ritualistic, the process of writing is very experiential. My experiences or my friends experiences. 100% Storytelling.
I’m not religious, but I believe in love, it’s a constant energy that can transform itself into something else, it’s very mutative. My perspective of love changes like a twice a week, that’s the reason I can write about love all the time. I’m addicted to love.
What’s the name of your new EP?
I can’t say it, not yet, but it’s inspired in a part of México City that i think that represents myself and the things that can happen when you cross the borders of the city, it could be something very fun.
Are you someone passionate? Have you ever commited a crime of passion? Yes and yes. All the time. Passion crime is about balance, i balance my universe like that. What about your last show after the lockdown?
Well, it was interesting exercise, I think all of us are a little bit “rusty” but the bonding with people was necessary. In a certain way when you’re singing it’s like throwing a ball of energy to the universe and that ball returns when the public recognizes the songs and starts singing along with you.
And talking about shows my next show it’s gonna be at Loolapalooza in Chile, and after that we’re announcing a World Tour.
It’s your first time at Lollapalooza?
No, I went to Colombia for the “Hermoso Ruido” festival but it will be my first time in Chile.

Top: Mauricio Cruz (@mauriciocruzstudio), showroom @porvenir__
Shoes: CRUDA (@cruda_cruda)

Top: Mauricio Cruz (@mauriciocruzstudio), showroom @porvenir__
Shoes: CRUDA (@cruda_cruda)
Did you always wanted to be on the stage?
Sure, I used to glorify the stage. Years ago there was a José Cuervo venue here in México City and I used to go every weekend, every event. My first show with my first band in fact was at that José Cuervo venue, the public was like 30 people but I was so excited about performing in the same place that my favorite bands used to perform.
Are there any experiments or different rhytms in the new EP?
Yeah, there’s punk, I grew up with punk a little bit so I explored that variant. It’s interesting. For this EP my influences were Björk (the early Björk), Madonna, Silvesrun Pickups, Garbage and maybe The Cardigans for name a few.
And your role models at this moment of your life?
Brian Molko from Placebo, Bjök, Grace Jones and David Bowie because he was ever changing, I like to embrace the changes.
Anything that you’d like to add to this interview?
Well, as you know I’ve been working with the guys of Chromeo in a project that’s gonna take more time but definitely will be worth it. And i’ll be touring in Europe and in the States soon. And, basically, that’s all. xoxo
To connect with Girl ultra follow her on Instagram

Interviewed by Biali Obed Vara @bialiobed
Edited by Shirley Reynozo
Photography: Salvador Hernandez
Creative Direction: Francisco J Rondon
Producer: Mariana Bonazzi
Fashion direction: Fernando Sempere
Make up: Adrián Gonzales
Hair: Juliette Herrerias
Styling FER SEMPere
Glam Adrian G
Flower Arrangements: Antonio Villaseñor
Vile Studio @vilestudiomx