The Stars of Gilmore Girls Got Paid a F*ckton For the Revival

When you think of the top paid actresses and actors in Hollywood, the actresses from “Gilmore Girls” probably wouldn’t be the first to come to mind, but it turns out Lorelai and Rory were quietly reaping in the dough this past year.

Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel were each paid $750,000 PER EPISODE of Netflix’s “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life.” That’s a lot of fucking money for the four-part series.

They topped Variety’s list of the highest-paid drama actors on TV, beating out a bunch of male actors, including Kevin Spacey and most of the actors from “Game of Thrones.”

Considering that the “Gilmore Girls” revival on Netflix was only four episodes, it blows my mind that they were paid $3 million for the entire project.

So, way to go, Lorelai and Rory! Yay feminism!

[H/T] Variety

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