Serinity Debuts With a Heart-Wrenching Clamor: “You Used Me”
A harrowing song for a harrowing experience, Serinity‘s debut song “You Used Me” is a cloudy and icy slow-burn pop ballad about what lies on the other side of a one-sided relationship.
“You Used Me” is based on an actual relationship I had in which I was blinded by the idea of being in love and missed all the signs that he maybe didn’t feel the same way. When we broke up and I found out how he really felt, I learned the hard way how easy it is to ignore the red flags when you love someone”

For her debut song, Serinity chose to go at some of her most vulnerable, her spirit cast in gloom and rubbed raw from the scathing forces of a romantic debacle so intense it makes for some justified insecurities. There are probably not that many things out there that hurt half as much as not seeing clearly, or at least not wanting to see things clearly before it’s too late. Serinity’s justified complaints turn to a confessional piece of a personal failing compounded by the impure intentions and realities of the other person.
The Song is one of those cold, mournful singer-songwriter ballads with very little fanfare, focusing first on backing the lyrics with a wistful piano before soaring up with its strong -and inspiring- beat.
“To anyone else who has been in this situation, I hope this song resonates with you and you know you’re not alone in your heartbreak!” – Serinity
Serinity’s vocals are fantastic bait for your ears, they’re raw and emotional, vulnerable to be sure, but they transmit a sense of great resilience which is no doubt intrinsic to the song’s essence and quite possibly to Serinity herself as a songwriter. It’s clear that she’s got a penchant -or at least the right set up- for these sorts of revealing songs where difficult emotions and situations are laid bare for the audience to either connect or scrutinize.