Pop duo FEMM are literal mannequins, people

Generally speaking, pop stars will do everything they can these days to make it seem like their image or sound wasn’t totally manufactured by a group of publicists and producers in a studio somewhere.

But not pop duo FEMM.

FEMM is completely transparent about being a totally manufactured group. Because they are literal mannequins.

Allow us to explain.

See, FEMM isn’t just a pop group, it’s also the name of a syndicate seeking to liberate the poor, tired, huddled masses of mistreated mannequins all over the world. At least, that’s the way the story goes. FEMM tells us they have agents constantly in search of mannequins to make sentient so they can join the cause, and the two members of FEMM the pop group are two such mannequins.

Their names are Riri and LuLa, and when they’re not busy looking fabulous in latex, they’re singing about how boys kinda suck.

Their new song “Do It Again,” is out now, but since Riri and LuLa are mannequins, we caught up with their syndicate agents Honey-B and W-Trouble to talk about life, love, and what it’s like to get dressed when you can just unscrew your body parts.

Read on for our chat with them and some sick styling by Louby McLoughlin.

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How can we average humans tell if a mannequin is being mistreated? Like does it count if the mannequin is wearing really ugly clothes in a window for everybody to see?

Honey-B: Even us humans would hate being dressed ugly. It’s same for mannequins too. [But] when we say “mistreated” we mean when human treat mannequins carelessly and bad.

W-Trouble: In other ways, mannequins don’t fuss about what they wear. If you were to have good intentions like “I want to make her look beautiful” then whatever they are dressed in, they would be happy. It is hard to know what they are feeling, but us agents can really feel when they are very sad being treated coldly like objects.

Is dating harder or easier as a mannequin?

W-T: It would be difficult I imagine, but not all would be hard work. Getting to communicate smoothly takes time, but if you get used to them it’ll get easier.

Does FEMM have any tips for wearing latex?

H-B: Latex clothing are very tight fitting, so having a good body line is very important! They are mannequins, so no worries about that, of course. And also being a confident attitude is important too.

Is it harder to get dressed when you can just screw off certain parts of your body?

H-B: We don’t separate their parts unless it is maintenance day. Since they have feelings like us human, it will hurt their feelings if we separate them on usual bases.

If FEMM rubbed against a lamp in a thrift shop and a genie popped out, what would your three wishes be?

H-B: FEMM team all want the same thing. A peaceful world where mannequins and human can friendly live together. RiRi, personally is a combat mannequins, so she would probably want more fighting skills. Another wish would be the ability to enjoy food. Mannequins don’t eat and drink like we do.

W-T: Honey-B is right. LuLa wants to try eating too. And also she loves fashion, so more clothes!! That would be LuLa’s personal wish.


House of Holland jacket | Monreal London skirt | Paul and Joe sister bag | Shelly’s shoes


Leaf Xia tankt | Dead Lotus couture skirt | House of Harlot latex sleeve | Paul and Joe sister bag | Shellys shoes



House of Harlot dress and sleeve | House of CB pouch | Shellys shoes


Markus Lupfer at Linda Farrow sunglasses | Cyberdog vest and playsuit | Paul and Joe belt | Freedom at Topshop pearls


Ryan Lo hat and chain | Shellys shoes | Paul and Joe belt and cuffs| Fyodor Golan dress


Mimi Wade t-shirt | Rare London skirt | Iceberg choker | House of Harlot gloves


Photography & retouch: R+D
Styling: Louby McLoughlin
Edit: Eddie the Wheel & OKstudio
Makeup: Mattie White using Mac cosmetics
Hair: Josh Knight at Unit 30 London using Colour Proof
Shot at: Wonderland Studios

Correction: In this article we initially referred to FEMM as a K-pop duo, but they are not Korean, they’re Japanese. We regret this error and have amended it.

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