People Are Being Rurl Shady About Caitlyn Jenner’s Sports Illustrated Cover

Today Sports Illustrated unveiled their special double summer issue, which features a story on where Caitlyn Jenner is now, 40 years after winning gold at the Olympics and setting a new world record for the decathlon.

It also features Caitlyn squinting in a semi-ill-fitting golden jumpsuit that looks like something your mom gave you for Christmas three years ago, because JC Penney was having a sale that was too good to pass up. 


Caitlyn Jenner’s Sports Illustrated cover in all its golden glory

Admittedly, it’s far from the best looks we’ve ever seen from Caitlyn, but honestly, how much can we really expect from a sports magazine?

Making an older woman look like a stylish glamazon is just not their forte.

Still, that hasn’t stopped some people from getting rurl shady about it.


Still, for every hater, there’s a steadfast Caitlyn Jenner supporter who’s not afraid to say this:

Dare to be different, Rebecca.

Gimme More POP

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