Bruce Glen Collection is a future forward brand created by innovative twins, Bruce & Glen. “Sustainability is not a final destination, it is a process and we are just at the beginning,” they stated. The twins work in partnership with Resonance Brands in order to be in alignment with their mission of sustainable fashion.

This creative duo are a force to be reconned with; what they have done with color palettes is a challenge well executed. They started off their runway with the rich voice of a gospel singer before bringing the house down. I love the different materials, textures and colors they worked with. What stood out the most to me where the patched of fringes on some of their designs. I was mesmerized when Shoniqua Shandai, an actress from the hit TV series “Harlem” Streaming on Amazon Prime, graced the runway with her vivacious walk and bright smile. Above all, the twins gave back to their audience members by giving them Bruce Glen sweaters. I know I’ll be wearing mine to call in the Spring!

Here are some images taken by me to highlight some of those magical moments caught on the runway.

To connect with my photography account follow @dtba_

To connect with my photography account follow @dtba_


Photographer: Shirley Reynozo @dtba_

Gimme More Fashion

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