What Girl Power Means to 8 New Zealand Babes

Girls, girls, girls run the world — like literally, the entire world. Eight of New Zealand’s finest tell us what they’re all about.

Photography by Imogen Wilson.


Name: Annabel Liddell

Age: 21

Occupation: Medical Student + Singer/Guitarist in the band ‘Miss June’

What does girl power mean to you?

To me “Girl Power” means equality, solidarity and freedom. I grew up in a single mother household and was very close to my Ma and Grandma, as a consequence a lot of these values became an integral part of my youth. I think the power of a woman lies in the uniting energy of self-love and support for other women, which the term “Girl Power” may not fully encapsulate.

Annabel wears DAISY top.

Name: Frankie Adams

Age: 22

Occupation: Actress

What does girl power mean to you?

When I think of girl power I automatically think of the influential women in my life. They range from the ages of 16 to 60 and are always there for me when I need them. They’re all individually and collectively strong, beautiful, confident, intelligent, witty, vivacious, hilarious, supportive beings with enormous hearts.

Frankie wears LAZY OAF top and her own choker.

Name: Gabriella Bowden

Age: 19

Occupation: Art student

What does girl power mean to you?

I think “girl power” as a phrase has these sugar laden, 90’s pop and pink latex connotations, but the core concept, the idea of female empowerment, is incredibly important. I think girl power is understanding that as a girl, despite what surrounding media might have you believe, you really are capable of whatever you want, and have every right to pursue it. As a girl, you are not obliged to meet anyone’s standards but your own. As a girl you are not here to facilitate anyone else’s existence. Girl power is understanding that every woman grew up experiencing misogyny to some degree, and we have a responsibility to one another to defend, protect and love each other, in a world that demands we compare, compete and despise one another. Girl power is not judging the way other girls express themselves, but celebrating it. Girl power is consciously unlearning everything you have been subconsciously taught about your worth, and instead constructing your own. To be a girl can be a terrifying thing, but to be a girl is a beautiful thing.

A story of girl power I have encountered:

My best friend Stephanie is probably the best example I can think of. It’s hard to explain, but she’s going places. No one will ever fuck with her. I could be stranded at two in the morning in a dodgy part of town with her, and I’d feel perfectly at ease. She somehow manages to be kind, but absolutely refuses to take any shit, which I admire.

Gabby wears KAREN WALKER tank top, KAREN WALKER earrings

Age: 17

Occupation: Model, Artist

What does girl power mean to you?

Girl power means taking into our own hands the responsibility of renewing our archetypical identity into one that allows the skills that are required to flourish and achieve — confidence, assertiveness, strength — to be accepted as intrinsic to what it means to be a girl alongside the traits that modern culture sees as decidedly feminine. We should not have to internally reject the feminine aspects of ourselves in order to advance, regardless of discipline. Imagine a world void of femininity.

Lily wears vintage X-Girl t-shirt

Age: 23

Occupation: Artist

What does girl power mean to you?

Expressing yourself.

I just became a member of a girl gang called the Tom Cats, we are fierce ladies you won’t be able to mess with. We have each other’s back till death. We always talk about our pussies.

Lola Rose wears PERFUME RIVER top and pants, AGENT PROVOCATEUR bra, her own jewellery.

Age: 21

Occupation: Fashion designer in the making

What does girl power mean to you?

Girl power means so many different things to me. It is being able to communicate with your best friends in a special language that no one else knows. It is understanding that you don’t have to ever apologize for the things you wear, or the way that you feel about something. It is realizing that you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up! It is being respectful, kind, and forgiving even if people don’t deserve it. It is that time that I beat the class jock in an arm wrestle in year 5. It is insisting that you are treated the same as everyone else. It is having magical powers that allow you to braid hair. It is knowing that you are intelligent, courageous, compassionate, hilarious and cute, and never letting your girls forget that they are either.

Nicola wears NICOLA LUEY top and skirt, and her own jewellery.

Age: 18

Occupation: Psychology student

What does girl power mean to you? 

To me, girl power is the universal support and strength that binds us gals together. It’s us expressing ourselves in ways that make us feel good, following our dreams and desires without holding ourselves back, not letting social boundaries stop us from pursuing our goals. Most importantly, it’s looking out and sticking up for one another. There ain’t no place I feel safer in than with a bunch of my girls

A story of girl power that I have encountered:

When at a concert or a gig with my best friend, she will always stand directly behind me with her hands on my shoulders and act as a protective layer from all the sweaty, grease ball dudes trying to get their groove on – as well as keeping me upright when I get bowled over by the rest of the crowd. Ah, the joys of being a tiny human. Whether she likes a little bump n grind, or purely enjoys watching the show through my frizzy hair, the entire experience is made so much better knowing that we’re both looking out for each other. I never want to go to a concert without her!

Nicole wears stylist’s own top.

Age: 19

Occupation: Musician

What does girl power mean to you? 

Girl power means writing, producing and recording your own EP because as a female I am absolutely capable!

It means being your own boss, creative director, and manager and not letting any gender prejudice get in the way of your passion.

Girl power is proving every doubting person wrong in the most kick ass way possible. Long live the ever capable female <3

October wears vintage leather pants, stylists own t-shirt and her own jewelry.

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