Kylie’s Personal Assistant’s Website Is Ridiculous

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Victoria Villarroel Gamero, otherwise known as Kylie Jenner’s personal assistant.

go to Kylie’s app to see more 😋

A video posted by victoria villarroel gamero (@victoriavillarroel) on

TBH even after watching a video on Kylie’s app entitled, “What It’s Like to Be My Assistant,” we’re really not sure what exactly what Victoria does for Kylie, but we do know she has a website that’s mostly arty pictures of Victoria and her friends in underwear, with a few pictures from the Yeezy MSG show thrown in to mix things up.

READ ALSO: Kylie Jenner Celebrated Her Laser Hair Removal With a #Baldpuss Hat

🙏🏽 baby

A photo posted by victoria villarroel gamero (@victoriavillarroel) on

A photo posted by victoria villarroel gamero (@victoriavillarroel) on photo by me @sofiavillarroell

A photo posted by victoria villarroel gamero (@victoriavillarroel) on

No shade, her photographs are very thot-positive chic and we’re kind of obsessed, it’s just not what you’d except to see on a famous person’s personal assistant’s website, mostly because it has almost nothing to do with being Kylie’s personal assistant.

Must be nice to have Kylie bankroll your artistic dreams.


Gimme More POP

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