Cool Mom Kim Kardashian Wants You To Bring A Weed Pipe To Coachella

When you think of Kim Kardashian chances are the words “Music Festival Queen” don’t come to mind, but why should they? The only time we’ve spotted Kim anywhere near a music festival was last year when her husband headlined Bonnaroo, and she didn’t look like she was having any fun.


TBH, this makes sense. The idea of Kim enjoying anything about the laid-back, dust-soaked, normal people-filled drug parades better known as music festivals is pretty off brand for her.

Still, festival season is everything, so yesterday Kim released a list of 15 festival packing essentials.

The list includes a number of beauty essentials/sanitizers that probably would be super smart to bring (deodorant, dry shampoo, lip balm, face oil blotters, etc.), but it also included a couple WTF/LOL items.

Here’s what they are:

1. Mara Hoffman Towel, $78


Okay, so you could def save yourself $78 by bringing an old, gross towel from home, but you have to admit, people will seriously be digging your rad, Boho-print towel. It’s like, soooooo Coachella and totally looks like something you could buy from Urban Outfitters.

2. Emi-Jay Hair Ties, $11


Because if you’re not trying to be the sparkliest thing in the dessert, what are you even doing with your life?

3. Cigarette One Hitter Pipe, $7


Because Kim Kardashian totally smokes weed, you guys. Like, we heard she can make a bong out of everything and can even burn through a bowl doused with keif without coughing once because she’s not a regular Mom, she’s a cool Mom.

LOL Kim. Get real.

4. GenTeal Eyedrops, $12


You know, because of all the weed you’ll be smoking.

5. Apple Watch, $299


On the one hand, bringing a watch that almost costs as much as your festival tickets did sounds like a bad idea, but on the other hand, you could probably sell it to buy something to fill your one-hitter with, so maybe Kim’s doing you a favor here.

6. Mini Keychain Flask, $13


Because after all the money Kim asked you to spent on essentials, she wants to help you save a couple dollars too.

So thoughtful that Kim.

Gimme More POP

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