Someone Defaced Melbourne’s Kim K Mural With the Word ‘Slut’
Well, that didn’t take long.
Just two days after street artist @lushsux painted a mural of Kim Kardashian’s now infamous naked selfie in Melbourne, Australia, it’s been defaced with the word “slut.”
Here’s a look at the original mural, which was majestic in its badassery:
And here’s how it looks today:
Andddd this is why we can’t have nice things @kimkardashian
A photo posted by lushsux (@lushsux) on
Seriously, what is the point of this? It’s so aggressive and mean. I’ve seen plenty of murals around NYC that weren’t my cup of tea. There’s a hideous one right around the corner of my apartment showing a woman’s legs with a six-inch thigh gap and fishnets that was clearly drawn by some delusional dude who wants to only bang blowup dolls. It’s sexist and objectifying and worst of all, it’s butt ugly. It grosses me out every time I walk by. But I’ve never felt the need to deface or write a nasty slur on it. Shitty-looking and low-quality as it is, someone went to a lot of trouble to make it.
And someone went to a lot of trouble to mess up the Kim mural, too, which is pretty mind-blowing. Imagine being that person’s mom and finding out they went out of their way to write SLUT on a mural. Imagine knowing you carried them for nine months, sent them to school, clothed them, fed them, got them to the point where they could spell and operate a spray paint can — and this is how they choose to spend their time? By risking arrest so they could deface someone’s harmless art? I’d rather find out my kid was, like, a serial killer or a Meghan Trainor stan.
Still, of course no one’s surprised this happened.
“It was a given, considering the subject matter,” the artist, @lushsux, told BuzzFeed. “I’m bummed that people didn’t get more of a chance to interact with it and that someone felt the dire need to spray ‘SLUT’ across it.”
This mural wasn’t hurting anyone, but now it’s been destroyed and cheapened with just one word. But hey, it’s a pretty apt metaphor because that’s exactly how slut-shaming works in real life.
But hey. If one good thing comes out of this besides an ongoing conversation about why slut-shaming is not okay, it’s the fact that more people have discovered the hilarious work of @lushsux.