Jeremy Scott Is Releasing a Phone Case That Brings Emojis To Life

We’re all on our phones 24/7, so it’s about time that somebody made them a little more interesting, right?

Today, Jeremy Scott is releasing a new line of interactive phone cases with Google that will low key bring your phone case to life.

Each of the six phone cases are printed with a different Jeremy Scott-designed emoji. Using Near-field communication, AKA some fancy technological thing, as soon as you put the screen on your phone the emojis on the case jump onto your screens.

And even though this all sounds crazy expensive, the cases themselves are only $40!

Plus, they’re super cute.

One case is even covered with exploding champagne bottles and cute AF little champagne glasses!


The cases will also give you access to a custom “J’emoji” keyboard with a selection of animated emojis created by Scott that will be added to every day.

Of course, the only catch is that you need to get a Google Pixel phone to make the cases work, but hey, the holiday season is coming up. If you need a new phone, maybe it’s time to make the switch!

Grab your pair in the Google Store from today through the end of January.

Gimme More POP

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