This Genius Did a Face Swap With Her Friend’s Boob

By now we’ve all terrified ourselves by using Snapchat to swap faces with our boyfriends, parents, and siblings. Hilarity all around.

It felt like the face swap filter peaked last week when Kim and Kylie switched faces and basically looked exactly the same. How could the social media universe possibly top such an iconic moment in Snapchat history?

But sometime last week, some British-sounding genius took the face swap game to an entirely new level by swapping faces with a BOOB. Not a dog, not a cat, not a baby, but a human breast. Inspired!

It looks good, too. You can see above that it totally worked and for one sweet moment, the girl’s face was located on her friend’s boob. And her friend’s boob was on her face, with a nipple for the nose. (We had to blur the nip in the photo above because of patriarchy.)

Watch the video below and try not to be too mad at yourself for not thinking of it first. Long live the face swap filter.


Gimme More POP

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