We Found 14 Celebs’ Lame-Ass First Instagram Posts
With few exceptions, we all have the same first Instagram posts — even celebrities.
Most people’s first Instagram post are either an out of focus/unflattering selfie with a hilariously outdated filter/border, an old picture of a relative, a close-up of a random item, or a landscape.
For instance, this is mine.
See that random object in all of its glory that was clearly so important to take a picture of that absolutely none of my friends liked it?
So basic.
To prove this theory further, we took a random sampling of 14 of our favorite celebrities.
While we weren’t right 100% of the time, 11 out of 14 ain’t bad.
1. Lana Del Rey
A photo posted by Lana Del Rey (@lanadelrey) on
Oh hai, sepia tone Dad. Haven’t seen anything like this before.
2. Kim Kardashian
My first instagram pic… Kisses for instagram!
A photo posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on
Honestly, kind of disappointed that Kim didn’t start things off with a selfie. How selfish of her.
3. Taylor Swift
Found this photo of my grandmother. So lovely.
A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on
Grandma Swift was bae af, and has rumor would have it, recently dumped by a much younger British musician with good hair and a wandering eye.
4. Selena Gomez
A video posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on
There’s a reason why Selena Gomez is the most followed person on Instagram. She always understood how to use it.
5. Gigi Hadid
A photo posted by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on
Awwww, look at how long baby Gigi’s hair was.
6. Cara Delevigne
A photo posted by Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) on
Wow, a sunset. It literally doesn’t get more basic than that, Cara. Aren’t you supposed to be the weird one?
7. Lindsay Lohan
Honestly, one of the better first Instagrams out there. Way to go Lilo. You may have been fucked up at the time, but damn did that moment photograph well.
8. Kylie Jenner
A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on
LOL, can you seriously imagine Kylie posting anything like this now?
9. Kendall Jenner
A photo posted by Kendall Jenner (@kendalljenner) on
Disneyland? Really Kendall? Do 15-year-olds still go to Disneyland?
10. Drake
A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on
Awww, this was back when Drake still took his own photos on Instagram and didn’t have his own personal photographer follow him around. How cute, right?
11. Justin Bieber
To be fair, his second picture ever is of him kissing Selena Gomez on the cheek and wishing her a happy birthday, but a captionless car photo where the sky is doing something cool is beyond basic.
12. Beyonce
Not the most flattering photo of Bey, but hey, nice to know she saved her first Instagram to make a politican statement.
13. Rihanna
Im actin brand new on u assholes
A photo posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on
Do you think Rihanna smokes weed, or something?
14. Miley Cyrus
Remember how there used to be a time when Miley didn’t always look like she spent all night at a crafting orgy/didn’t have a single finger tattoo? A simpler time.