Wild Concert Hookup Stories To Inspire Or Disgust You
There’s just something about hearing your favorite musician performing live. Especially when it’s on top of the beer you’ve drank, the weed you’ve smoked, and the throng of sweaty concert goers surrounding you.
Naturally, having a no pants party at a concert isn’t a rarity, and it seems to be one of the few places where people don’t mind getting it on in public. We asked our readers and scoured Reddit for some of the best concert and music festival hookup stories.
By the way, just as a disclaimer: if you come across two randos going at it at your music festival of choice this year, don’t take a picture of them, you perv. What’s the point?
1. Potty Mouth
“I was at a festival my sophomore year of high school and for some reason my scrawny butt decided to approach this girl. She was down so I decided to f*ck her in one of the PortaPottys. I basically had to hold my nose the whole time.”- Sam
2. The Houdini
“A couple was making out across from me. The guy gets up and leaves (I guess he went to the bathroom or something). Some other guy comes out of nowhere, starts making out with the girl, sticking his tongue down her throat […] etc, and she is just loving it. After about a minute or so, the guy leaves. Original guy comes back, they carry on with making out as if nothing happened.”- randomAnonymousthing
3. That’s Unheard Of
“I was at a local pub and a local band was playing. It was a pretty decent indie-rock group, and they were playing a bunch of covers from popular rock songs. About midway through the concert, I saw these two chicks on the floor, just going at it. Both were easily 9/10s, and everyone else was just walking or moving around them, looking at the band. It wasn’t these two (probably drunk) women hooking up in the middle of the floor, it was the fact that all the guys seemed completely uninterested. No one had a phone out to take pictures or videos, no one was staring; no one was paying them any attention. I thought that was weird as hell.” – Faithless195
4. Next, Please!
“I can’t remember the name of the band, but they were playing with Muddy Waters at Penn State. My job that day was to guard the gate directly next to the stage. So all I had to do is stand there and listen to the music. As I was stood there, the only thing in front of me was a window van with the band in it waiting to go on stage. This chick comes to the door and proceeds to blow every one of the band members (except one who waved her away). She finished and left the van. No one seemed to speak to her, she just bobbed each person and moved on. It seemed as if it was something they had done every day for 20 years.”- nfaguy