There is a mastery to this, one does not break the fire; one learns to ride it each movement a command, each gesture a spell that binds And in the heat, the man kneels willingly, knowing that in this surrender there is no defeat as the horse feels the tug of the reins, so the man feels her call The fire in her eyes burns, and cannot be extinguished.

Yvan Andreu Atelier luminic bustier, Andrew fringe pants, Naked Wolfe maxi boots

Iraxxxdios conceptual 3D inferno Bag

Yvan Andreu Atelier graphic paillettes maxi dress, Naked Wolfe maxi boots

Yvan Andreu organic draped dress, Chocolat D’or maxi boots, Iraxxxdios conceptual earrings & inferno Bag

Yvan Andreu Atelier Graphic Dress, El Colmo fire earrings, Chocolat D’or maxi boots, Andrew red maxi coat

Yvan Andreu spiral maxi dress, El Colmo flame earrings & bracelet, Servicio ankle boots

Andrew blazer, Coperni black jumpsuit, EL Colmo flame earrings, Yvan Andreu silver maxi boots

Yvan andreu atelier total look, El Colmo Fire earrings, Maudness red mules
The rhythm that drives her body is relentless, as she bends the will of those who dare to look at her those who called her a witch in the glow of this moment, you feel the tug, the need to lean in, to offer yourself as an object Not out of fear, but out of desire. The fire calls, the reins tighten, and you realize… it’s her riding you It’s not a dance. It’s a conquest and she’s won it’s the new patriarchy.

Estefania Francisco brilliants naked dress, El Colmo fire earrings, Andrew potro salvaje bag & snake neo heels

Yvan andreu atelier total look, El Colmo Fire earrings, Maudness red mules

Estefania Francisco brilliants naked dress, El Colmo fire earrings, Andrew potro salvaje bag & snake neo heels

Yvan Andreu Atelier pink suit, Andrew snake neo sandals, Yvan Andreu Atelier graphic gown, Chocolat D’or maxi boots, Yvan Andreu Atelier luminic bustier, Andrew fringe pants, Naked Wolfe maxi boots, El Colmo fire earrings

Yvan Andreu spiral maxi dress, El Colmo flame earrings & bracelet, Servicio ankle boots

Yvan Andreu Atelier luminic bustier, Andrew fringe pants, Naked Wolfe maxi boots

Departamento black sunglasses, Andrew NEO Vegan leather pants, Rubberist latex gloves, Yvan Andreu vinyl harness, Prada boots.

Yvan Andreu Atelier Graphic Dress, El Colmo fire earrings, Chocolat D’or maxi boots, Andrew red maxi coat
Editor-in-Chief: Prince Chenoa
Feature Editor: Taylor Winter Wilson (@taylorwinter)
Creative Direction: Ivan Andreu (@yvan_andreu_official)
Photography & Light Direction: Adria Simo (@adriasimo_photo)
Video Direction & Film: José Marin (@evervisuals)
Art & Style Direction: Elena Mañeru (@elenaonce)
Producer: Unreal Pleasures (@unrealpleasures)
Photography & Video Assistants: Emmett Frasquet (@emmett.psd) , Maria Barrachina (@mariabfilms) , Yaiza Langa (@wayzet)
Makeup Artist & Hair Stylist: Bibi Sanchis (@bibisanchis)
Models: Maria Montocchio (@mariamontocchio), Naiara Guerra (@naiarague), Manu Guindo (@manu_guindo), Allin (@carmenduranagency)
Studio: Photo Estudio N7 (@photostudio_n7)
Special Thanks To: Vanessa Egea CEO/Rider At Yeguada Mile (@vanessaadamsen_)