Cara Delevingne Admits She’s Used ‘Gay’ as an Insult

Cara Delevingne is in love with her badass, guitar playing girlfriend Annie Clarke, better known as St. Vincent among those indie kids who hang out at coffee shops and wear beanies even in the summertime, and she thinks it’s great if you want to call her gay.

Because even though Cara’s not into labels, she’s “completely in love” with a woman right now, and she gets that it’s important to own that.

Especially since there are still so many people who use the word gay in a derogatory way.

Actually, once upon a time, Cara was one of those people too.

“As a child, I used gay as a bad word, as in, ‘that’s so gay.’ All my friends did,” explained Cara to British Vogue.

Not to blow up anybody’s spot, but I’m guessing there are a lot of us out there who can say the same thing. See, kids may be cute, but they’re also pretty dumb about important things, like not being a hateful asshole.

I’m guessing many of us grew up using the word gay in a derogatory way. But luckily, it’s something we grew out of and look back on as even more regrettable than thinking popped collars and frilly micro minis were our friends.

Nowadays, Cara doesn’t use gay as an insult — but she’s also not that into labels.

“If people want to say I’m gay, that’s great,” Cara said, “But we’re all liquid — we change, we grow.”

[H/T UK Vogue]

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