Cara Delevingne Reveals She Never Quit Modeling in a Twitter Rant

If you’ve been a little confused by Cara Delevingne’s career choices over the past week, you’re not alone. Last week, we broke the news that Cara was the latest face of Chanel eyewear and this week YSL revealed she was also staring in their new campaign

Obviously these revelations inspired many people, myself included, to laugh and think some variation of the following phrase to themselves, “LOL, somebody was really serious about quitting modeling.”

Well, as it turns out that’s where we were wrong. Cara Delevingne never said she was quitting modeling, that’s just something we, the media, made up. 



In a series of tweets on Thursday night, Cara let it be known just how wrong we’ve all been about her life since July of 2015 when she left/got dropped from Storm Model Management, her agency of 7 years, which we all naturally assumed marked the end of her reign as supermodel du jour.

The anything is probably relating to certain disparaging statements she made in the press like:

“Fashion is about what’s on the outside, and that’s it. There’s no searching, it’s just creating pretty things.”


“It’s horrible living in a world where I’ll get a call from someone saying, ‘So-and-so says you were partying a lot and you were looking this way and you need to lose weight’…I ended up feeling a bit empty.”

See, disparaging but not technically accusatory.

Cara then highlighted the reason why she decided to de-prioritize modeling: that overwhelming empty feeling she alluded to.

Same Cara, same.

And then, just when you thought Cara was ready to end her Twitter rant on a high note, she added one last thing she had to tell us:

Which linked to this v. deep Instagram post:


A photo posted by Cara Delevingne (@caradelevingne) on

Yeah Cara, we learned our lesson, alright. We solemnly swear to never make an assumption about a celebrity again…

April Fool’s.

Gimme More POP

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