Britney Spears’ New Instagram Bikini Photo Is All the Fitspo We Need

Britney Spears’ abs were basically the Kylie Jenner lips of 2001. And judging by a new bikini photo posted by Brit, it looks like they’re back.

Back in her prime, Britney was rumored to be doing 1,000 crunches per day plus cardio. Her always-bare midriff sparked a massive interest in ab workouts. Instead of obsessing over cleavage or booties, it seemed like every girl in America wanted a six-pack.

Britney’s washboard midsection was so iconic, no one even noticed that she was doing insane things like wearing hot pink thongs over her jeans.

And then, as we all recall, shit got a little crazy for Brit and her abs went on hiatus.

But today, thanks to the pop icon’s Insta, it looks like she’s ready to let her abs reclaim the throne as a VIBP — very important body part. Hurray! Let’s all hit the gym and stop eating everything that gives us joy in life, just like we did in 2001.

Alternatively: we could stop being creeps who idealize a single body part at a time, and just be happy with the bodies that we and celebs were born with. That’s always an option.

But hey, swimsuit season is approaching and gym memberships are cheaper than therapy.

UPDATE: We’ve all been had. This picture has clearly been digitally altered, as evidenced by the triangle of water located under Britney’s back. Okay, guess we won’t be hitting the gym after all.

Just chilling ☀️

A photo posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

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