9 Viral Promposals You Need To See
Just four years ago, it seemed that getting asked to prom IRL instead of by text was enough.
Today, asking someone to prom, otherwise known as a promposal, has become a lavish display of 17-year-old boys trying to one-up each other. Obviously, the internet loves this shit and it often goes viral. We counted down some of the most viral promposals ever.
1. That’s Just Corny
Noah Matthews of South Carolina surprised his girlfriend by writing, er…plowing, “PROM?” into his parents’ cornfield, and then taking her up into a plane to see it from up top! The best part is that both the plower and the plane (and pilot) were borrowed from family friends, so Noah’s epic promposal didn’t cost him a dime. Our question is, did they plow over the whole field afterwards? Like, this didn’t ruin the corn field? Won’t somebody think of the crops?!
2. The Promposal Heard Round The World
Who could forget about this straight Las Vegas teen asking his gay BFF to prom when he heard he didn’t have a date? Considering they both ended up on Ellen and received scholarships, we’d say that this is a good sign that good things come to people who aren’t homophobic.
3. Big Dreams
We love a guy who’s ambitious and funny, and that’s exactly how high school senior Jake Davidson was when he made this video asking Kate Upton to prom. Unfortunately, she had to work that day, but Inside Edition set him up with Nina Agdal in her place, sounds like a pretty sweet deal to us. We can’t imagine how jealous his fellow classmates were.
4. If I Only Had a Brain
We love seeing a girl who can put on a good promposal, because anything boys can do, girls can do better. Caleigh certainly did not disappoint with this punny sign and killer zombie makeup, go girl!
5. The Lonely Prom
These guys decided to do a Lonely Island themed rap video to ask two chicks to prom. To be honest, it’s painful to listen to, but how could you say no to that seductive ice cream eating at the end?
6. That Shouldn’t Be Legal

Alright honestly, I’m a little concerned about this one. If this kid in high school, he can’t actually be a cop, so did he borrow his dad’s car and buy a Reno 911 costume? Or what? Not to mention that if he actually pulled this girl over she was probably having a mini breakdown before she realized she was being asked to prom. And that sign seems kind of like a threat. We need answers here.
7. Come Fly With Me

Also confused about this one, did that Robbie Felton character already know that this girl was able to go before he bought the tickets? Or what? I’m assuming this is some long distance relationship, but damn. I can’t even get a guy to buy me pizza.
8. What The Actual Fuck

Alright, this list went from the viral and cute to the WTF. I mean seriously, do these kids have their own black cards and an unlimited allowance? Do their parents not teach them anything about budgeting? This chick is lucky, no doubt about it, but it’s creepy that this kid’s basically buying his way into prom.
9. Say No

Thankfully that boy will be wearing a suit at prom because this shit ain’t cute.
8. Billboarded
Alyce Paris
Okay…who does this shit?
9. Beary Good
This video is super cute, and you can tell the kid is pretty proud of all his planning. All of his classmates seemed to enjoy it as well since you can hear them all gossiping in the background…ah, high school.