The Band Everybody Thought Was Kylie Jenner Just Admitted She’s Involved

Another clue to the Kylie Jenner band conspiracy theory has just been revealed, and as always, it feels good to keep up with the Kardashian ladies.

Terror Jr., the band which didn’t exist online until Kylie released a music video for her lip kit which they were featured in, has just listed Kylie as one of the creators of the project on their Soundcloud.

“Created by Campa, Zach Zorgen, Bill, Avena Savage, Double Helix, Lisa, Dr. Olov, David, Psycho Lisa & Kylie,” the description reads.

Psycho Lisa, previously known as Lisa, is the supposed leadsinger, but nobody knows who she is either. Why would anybody call themselves that? Is Dr. Olov a real person? Who is Double Helix?

Rumors were sparked when people looked into Terror Jr. and saw that the only person they follow on Instagram is Kylie, and when there was little to no information to be found about any of the members online. We’ve reached out to a rep for comment, but are still waiting on a response.

Either way, they’ve also released a new song titled “Come First” today, and it’s lowkey pretty good, so Kylie, if it’s you, please stand up! As for the rest of us? Listen up to the new track below, and speculate as you see fit.

Gimme More POP

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