Stories by Mi Gerer

  1. WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: Jan. 30 – Feb. 5, 2017

    Welcome to Galore horoscopes, where we’ll advise you on whether to expect drama, chill vibes, hot sex, or all of the above over the coming week. Peep your sign’s seven-day forecast, starting Monday and ending the following Sunday, below. Pro tip: instead of your sun sign, make sure to read your rising sign as it’s far more

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  2. What the Chinese New Year Means for Your Horoscope

    We know you’re used to paying attention to your star sign — but the Chinese New Year, which starts on the 28th of January, has its own system of Astrology to guide you through the next year. First, a brief history of Chinese Astrology: it’s the oldest astrology system. Legend has it that Buddha threw a party and

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  3. WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: Jan. 23 – 29, 2017

    Welcome to Galore horoscopes, where we’ll advise you on whether to expect drama, chill vibes, hot sex, or all of the above over the coming week. Peep your sign’s seven-day forecast, starting Monday and ending the following Sunday, below. Pro tip: instead of your sun sign, make sure to read your rising sign as it’s far more

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  4. Weekly Horoscopes: Jan. 16 – 22, 2017

    Welcome to Galore horoscopes, where we’ll advise you on whether to expect drama, chill vibes, hot sex, or all of the above over the coming week. Peep your sign’s seven-day forecast, starting Monday and ending the following Sunday, below. Pro tip: instead of your sun sign, make sure to read your rising sign as it’s far more

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