Hey Aidan Truthers: Candace Bushnell Has Some Thoughts About Your Bae

Everybody who’s watched more than a handful of episodes of Sex and the City has an opinion on the topic of Aidan vs. Mr. Big, even though that’s pretty pointless seeing as she chose Mr. Big and Aidan got married to somebody else anyway.

Still, that hasn’t kept an army of Aidan truthers from logging onto Facebook yesterday to ask Candace Bushnell, a.k.a. the IRL Carrie Bradshaw on whose life SATC is based, questions during her live interview with Cosmopolitan like, do you think Aiden and Carrie would have been happy if they ended up together?

According to Bushnell, yes. But sorry, that wouldn’t ever happen:

You know, if she had ended up with Aidan, that could have been okay, I think. Aidan was a good guy, he was in love with her, she was in love with him. But I think they wanted different lifestyles.”

Translation: once a member of the glitterati, always a member of the glitterati.


But because she didn’t want to totally destroy the fragile hearts of all the Aidan stans out there, Candace broke it down in a gentler way:

“One of the things that I found in life is that sometimes when you’re in your 20s or 30s and a relationship isn’t right for you, sometimes you don’t want that lifestyle and the strange thing that happens is when you get older, all of a sudden you realize, ‘I’d be happy to have that conservative, more settled lifestyle.’ For Carrie, Aidan represented settling down. And Big still represented the big adventure.”

On the plus-side, Bushnell also thinks that Mr. Big would have gotten fired from his job for getting too old by now, so hey, Aidan may not have ended up with Carrie, but at least he kept his business.

Although there’s a 60/40% chance the bar he co-owned with Steve got shut down years ago. You know how landlords get with the rent in that city.

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