6 Celebs Who Prove No One Looks Cool in Bucket Hats

Bucket hats aren’t just summer’s hottest throwback accessory, they’re also one of the most divisive subjects in contemporary fashion.  Some people love them:


While others, like Kim Kardashian, hate them:



No matter what your opinion, we can all agree on one thing: unless you’re Rihanna, and can miraculously pull off everything because you’re a fashion goddess, chances are that you look silly in a bucket hat.  But don’t worry, you’re not alone. Celebrities look silly in bucket hats too, and here’s proof:

Kanye West, rockin’ a floppy, wrinkled hat his wife would definitely NOT approve of:

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Justin Bieber, looking like a tool:

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Chris Brown actually wore this in one of his music videos – no wonder his girl wasn’t loyal


Leonardo has never looked more like a Dad, and not in the hot way

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Miley would turn into a pizza if only she could 

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Pharrell may have great taste in music, but his taste in hats has long been questionable

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Moral of the story: leave the bucket hat wearing to Rihanna and go buy yourself a new, slick snapback instead.

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