Premiere: Coleman Shares “Cali” Single + Video

Los Angeles, CA – Coleman Trapp, best known as the front man of the indie-pop duo Coast Modern, returns following his departure from the band in 2022 with the release of his latest single “Cali”. Trapp is now performing under the solo moniker Coleman.

Drawing on his deep connection to Los Angeles, “Cali” blends a variety of genres that the city itself has nurtured. With this track, Coleman offers a fresh perspective on the allure and contradictions of L.A. “Cali” was written and produced by Coleman.

Coleman on the track, “This song went from inception to completion in one very fun session. They don’t always come this easy, but Cali’s musical themes and narrative elements were drawn out of an authentic and effortless place.


Can you describe the songwriting process for this track? Were there any particular challenges or breakthroughs?

The process of writing this song is best understood in the context of the years of writer’s block leading up to it. I eventually had to lock myself away to make dozens upon dozens of tracks I didn’t like. This gave me the momentum I had when I made Cali in a single sitting. The song was a great deal of fun to make, as the themes and motifs are all aspects of music I grew up with, especially living in southern California with a father who was obsessed with Latin jazz. 

How did you decide on the visual style and aesthetic for the video? Did you draw inspiration from any particular sources?

I read Story by Robert McKee a couple days before beginning production on the video. This was a tip from a marketing mentor of mine, who reminded me of the power of story to get an audience engaged. My biggest take away from McKee was that it’s emotion, and not simply feeling, that makes a narrative compelling.

McKee says that emotion is most viscerally elicited with ethical dilemma, which is never as simple as wrong versus right, but instead lives in the gray interplay between these two ideals. As much as I love visuals for the sake of visuals, I really wanted to see how robust of a narrative I could pack into 2 minutes. The specific idea of a piñata struggling with his role in the world, came from my friend and manager Chris Heidman.    

What kind of reaction are you hoping for from your fans?

I hope my fans are inspired! I hope they have fun experiencing Cali. I hope the ultimate reaction my fans have is realizing they are my fans 🙂 


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