Katy Perry Googles Hot Pics of Herself When She Feels Like a Plastic Bag

Generally speaking, celebrities try and pretend that even though they take one million pictures of themselves and make hella public appearances, they’re not vain creatures who spend their free time Googling hot pictures of themselves.

But on Wednesday morning, just after midnight, Katy Perry was like, jk guys, I did it and I’m not even ashamed cuz I was feeling like a plastic bag when I should have been feeling like a firework.

And then, because she’s quirky like that, she posted the evidence on Instagram, correctly assuming the Internet would eat it up.

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With the Google search term “Katy Perry hot” clearly visible, Katy posted a picture of herself smoldering in the kitchen, pretending to squeeze a lemon while the strap of her denim bra inched down her shoulder.

Playfully, Katy captioned the snap, “Was feeling insecure about my last two posts so.”

was feeling insecure about my last two posts so

A post shared by KATY PERRY (@katyperry) on

Obviously the chances of this being a calculated ploy to remind us all that even though she’s now woke af, she’s still the same quirky California girl the world fell in love with years ago are high, but it’s still funny.

Good job, Katy.

[H/T Page Six]

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