WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: Aug. 29 – Sept. 4, 2016

Welcome to Galore horoscopes, where we’ll advise you on whether to expect drama, chill vibes, hot sex, or all of the above over the coming week.

Peep your sign’s seven-day forecast, starting Monday and ending the following Sunday, below. Pro tip: instead of your sun sign, make sure to read your rising sign as it’s far more accurate.


This week the orderly Virgo solar eclipse will fall into your 6th house of work, routine and health. Eclipses bring signs of change and miraculously, as one door closes another will open.

Maybe you’ll start a new job, that is more powerful and will make you more $$!

Maybe you’ll be breaking free from a routine or job which you cannot bare any longer. Don’t sign any contracts, though, since Mercury will be turning retrograde in the same sign as the eclipse! In Virgo! Please don’t sign anything related to a job, wait until the 22nd and I assure you, you’ll be 100% safe. This eclipse will be ultra powerful since Jupiter, the planet of good luck, will be conjoining this game-changing planetary event. If you’ve been having any kind of health issues now you could maybe meet a doctor or find a groundbreaking treatment. Everything is possible!

Whatever happens related to you’re your daily job or careers, you thankfully won’t be making any enemies, since diplomatic Venus in Libra will enter your 7th house of other people, making all relations to whomever sweet and charming. Venus is the peacemaker and when in Libra it has that extra dose of amore. Talking about amore, this is an excellent time for a relationships to improve or if you happen to be Single now you could meet somebody.

Work and health are illuminated during this eclipse. You will find new ways to become healthier, maybe by starting a new gym routine or diet – you might even consider becoming a vegetarian. If you’ve not been feeling well and ignored some symptoms in the past, now is the time to go see your doctor and schedule check ups.



This week will be magical exciting and dramatic, like in the movies. The Virgo solar eclipse on the 1st will happen in your 5th house of romantic encounters, TRUE LOVE, creativity and PLEASURE. Jupiter, the luckiest planet will also join the mix, magnifying whatever happens. WOW.

Either a romantic relationship might take an end — or a creative project may reach its peak. This week is going to be extra crazy and unpredictable, since Mercury will be turning retrograde as well, that is why a project from the past which you may have had as a side project will come back into your focus.

Something related to your creation or art piece or child could be getting a lot of interest during your daily life. A creative project or simply creating could really influence your health now.

A romantic interest from the past could come back into your life so you guys finally finish what had to be finished. Sometimes in life, we got to to end things, which are not serving us anymore. I am not saying it is not going to hurt. Eclipses help us lift from things we have been procrastinating, things that are not helping us finding our path to self actualization. Taurus is a fixed sign and it is hard for you guys to let go of something or somebody. Say goodbye to what isn’t serving you anymore and life will be better than ever. This eclipse will be in Virgo which element is earth just like you. So you will really feel it.



This solar Eclipse will fall into your 4th house of home and family, which means you might move into a new place or even change cities. Or maybe your roommate will be moving out.

With Jupiter conjunct this solar eclipse, you could end up moving to another country. Don’t worry too much since this eclipse will have the power of Jupiter, the planet of good luck. If you end up moving it is for the best. Whatever happens should be positive.

You are a sign that gets bored quickly, so you won’t mind to experience a completely new place where you can experience new things and new little corners, not always the same old same. Since Mercury will be turning retrograde it could also very likely be that you either move back to your parent’s house or town or back with an old room mate. However stressful your situation might turn out, in your love life things should be going pretty sweet. Venus the planet of love will be entering fellow air sign, romantic Libra. If single you could be meeting somebody sexy who will really stimulate your mind through fun and interesting conversation. For some folks, summer might be coming to end, not for you Gemini! It feels like summer is starting for you now and it will be like a all time heatwave. Get wild baby.


You will be a pro at communication, publishing, or even learning a new skill you can add to your CV, with the Virgo solar eclipse falling into your third house of communication. Not only that, but Jupiter, the luckiest planet of the solar system will join this game changing astrological event.

Call up your siblings as they might be having a prime time and pleasant surprises they would love to tell you about. You might have big opportunities now to publish. You may print new business cards or publish a new product or web page. You can only succeed.

Better news: Venus is moving into your favorite place this week, yes, your home. Spending time at home will be lovelier than ever. Chill, refill and rearrange your deco. Turn your house into a sweet spot for fall when everybody starts calming down from the crazy summer.

Mercury will be turning retrograde meaning you could catch up with old souls you haven’t seen in a long time.




A BIG DEAL IS COMING THROUGH – it could be something you have invested in and now are finally getting the benefits for.

This Thursday, the Virgo Solar eclipse will fall into your 2nd house of income, money and possessions. YOU might find a new way of earning money, with your creative mind, I mean who would doubt that? Don’t worry if one source of your income might shut down now, eclipses sometimes close doors to open new ones. The same with things that belong to you. Don’t be too attached to your luxury items. The eclipse might remove some material possessions that are unconsciously dragging you down, but you might not have been aware of it. Buddha said “be open to everything yet attached to nothing.”

Thanks to Jupiter joining this eclipse, the luckiest planet of our solar system – whatever happens should be positive! YES! It is indeed a very rare planetary combo, that we will experience next week: Solar Eclipse in Virgo + Mercury Retrograde in Virgo + Jupiter in Virgo – Virgo rules your finances and money! I am really curious about what is going to happen, but I am sure it is going to have a huge impact on you and your possessions. Sweet talking Venus will be entering your 3rd house of communication, media and your hood, turning you into an enchantress when talking or convincing whomever. You’ll be just like honey and people won’t be able to get enough of you.



On Thursday September 1st, the magical new moon solar eclipse will be taking place in YOUR Sign, dear Virgo. What a big day for you! You will feel reborn.

A new moon solar eclipse is always a joyful experience. It will definitely be a new beginning for you. Eclipses are very powerful and it is crazy how certain events suddenly happen, which profoundly transform us. The eclipse will be taking place in your first house of self, opposite your relationship house, where dreamy Neptune is touring through at the moment. This wonderful eclipse in your sign will bring new changes into your life, so you can shine bright like the diamond you are. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune and expansion, still touring through your sign, will add an extra dose of luck. Mercury Retrograde might make things a little bit messy as situations from the past you thought you were over with will definitely come up. The eclipse though, will finally help you eclipse out whatever is bad for you. This eclipse will impact your sign the most. Even if you feel stressed you end up being blessed.



Unconscious disturbances may come to light now, since this powerful new moon solar eclipse will take place in your 12th house of the unconscious and the hidden.

starting a deep transformational journey that will cleanse your body, mind and soul. 12th house matters could be related to anything really, since it’s the house of our hidden issues we might not always want to deal with. On the the other hand, the 12th house also governs endings. Meditate and listen to your inner voice to find guidance.

However stormy it will get inside of you, once the storm is over you will feel light as a feather. This is a very important process that is happening to you, before one of your luckiest years starts, once Jupiter moves into your sign conjunct your sun/ your ego for a whole year. The other amazing news are that love planet Venus will be moving into your sign!! Venus not only is your ruler, but when it is conjunct our sun, this is our most attractive time and people will be magnetically pulled towards you. It is also a great time to update your look and buy yourself some nice things- maybe you can start looking for an outfit for your birthday which is coming up soon. Don’t gear up on electronic or tech items, since Mercury will be turning retrograde messing up anything related to technology.



Oh my god oh my god you are amongst the coolest crew at the moment – and you keep on broadening your golden network, be it through Vip parties or social media. This is a very powerful eclipse for you. Since Mercury will be turning retrograde, someone important from the past might reappear and help you realize some things and who you need to cut out of your life.

The Virgo new moon Solar eclipse in your 11th house will focus on your friendships and acquaintances. You might meet completely new inspirational souls or maybe you will say goodbye to old friends, that are just not meant for you. With the eclipse, this is the time when you and your buddy start growing apart. Sometimes certain friends might be blocking your way to becoming the best version of yourself.

For my Scorpio humanitarians, this is your time to bring through or work for a great cause, for the greater good. Make a change and inspire people with your vision of how the world could improve.

The 11th house is also known as the house of our biggest dreams. Eclipses are magical, meaning that big dreams could come true now or you could start stepping into that direction, thanks to the lunar power. Unrealistic dreams or illusions might be eclipsed out, though. What will be, will be.


It’s show time, Saggy! The powerful Virgo Solar eclipse will fall into your 10th house of career, which will open that huge door of opportunities you’ve been waiting for.

As a multi-talented Sagittarius you have prepared your bag of tools forever and now is the time to use them and show the world all what you are capable of!

With power warrior Mars, still in your sign plus your ruling planet Jupiter (the planet of good luck and expansion) dancing with this eclipse in your 10th house, you will have a complete power house. You could end up on TV, I swear! Or you will launch one of your creative projects, like maybe an app? Who knows? You are full of surprises and people never bore of you.

Especially now when Venus the charmer planet will move into your 11th house of friends and dreams and wishes, helping you to collect new powerful friends.

Eclipses are full of surprises, meaning a complete change of life path or career could happen now.

Be straight, clear and speak the truth about what you want or how you want to advance in your career. Mercury is the communicator. It will be a hell of a busy week, but this is your year Sagittarius. If you haven’t yet you will find yourself. A dream job you always wanted might start realizing itself now.


The Solar eclipse on Thursday in fellow earth sign Virgo, will fall into your 9th house of higher education, spirituality, and publishing. You might get an opportunity to travel to a long distance destination now or decide to go back to school or at least prepare an application. Eclipses bring opportunities. You will be super energized and should share some of your recent projects with the world. Somebody might actually discover you and reach out to collaborate or hire you.  This eclipse will also want to make you dive deeper into spirituality and metaphysical subjects like astrology, maybe.

A big spiritual change can really happen through travel or a journey somewhere.

Are you considering going to graduate school anything related for you to expand your mind? You are ready to opening up fully to new beliefs.

You might hang out with a foreigner or meet somebody foreign or from a complete different culture who will inspire you. How about a new exciting romance?

The lunar power is making you look at the bigger picture of life. It is an especially favorable time for writers, since the 9th house isn’t only the house of the higher mind but as well, it rules international publishing. Add Venus in your 10th house which rules career and you have the perfect mega mix to reach a more global audience for your voice. Don’t forget that Mercury is turning retrograde, this week, meaning an exotic lover from the past who you once met in Thailand at a full moon party, might come back into your life now and help you realize some stuff.



Sexuality re-evaluated? The new moon solar eclipse in your 8th house is opening the door for new opportunities to earn money or a chance to share and open up emotionally with your special someone.

Just be warned, though: the eclipse might bring up some news about debts or taxes. If you’re looking for financial support to back a project, wait until devilish Mercury turns direct.

Love planet Venus will be entering Libra your 9th house of travel, foreign countries and the higher mind. You are in travel mode and since Libra rules partnerships, you would love to travel with your partner now. With the sexy eclipse in your 8th transformative house, this vacation could be an unforgettable one. Honeymoon rating: 5 stars.

Eclipses throw out the old and bring in the new. Old insecurities might turn to dust now, making you more self confident than ever.


This important solar eclipse falls in Virgo, your 7th house of relationships and commitments. Remember eclipses are SUPER POWERFUL! Look at what is happening to you and your relationships and partner. There might be some BIG NEWS. Eclipses speed things up. You and your sweetie might have decided to take it a step further and move in together, in the nearer future. With the eclipse hitting that part of your chart circumstances might have mysteriously made it happen that you move in together much earlier than planned.

Eclipses can rearrange your life and shake up the ground especially when they take place in your opposite sign, meaning they are affecting the people you hang out with every day, your love life and business partners. Watch out: Mercury will be turning retrograde on Tuesday, raising the chances of bringing people from your past back into your life to sort out unfinished business.

Still, thanks to Venus this eclipse will be ultra erotically charged for you. Venus will be entering Libra your 8th house of deep sexuality and intimacy. Break those barriers, so you and your partner can transcend higher. If single, it could be an excellent time to dive deeper and understand what kind of union you will need.

Gimme More Dating

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