The 6 Best Things To Look At Online While You’re High This 4/20

Celebrate 4/20, the annual weed holiday, by doing absolutely nothing but lying around and being on your phone.

Having spent much of my life doing that already, I can tell you some great things to look at while doing this.

1. The NY Times Science section online.

The photos move, which is cool since they’re all pretty photos of wild animals and nature. One example: “Parrots: The Highlight Reel.”

2. Horoscopes.

AstroStyle has all of the Astrotwin’s daily, weekly, and monthly horoscopes as well as a bunch of fun astro-compatibility profiles.

3. Goop.

‘Cause Goop is crazy. Gwyneth Paltrow is crazy. Goop is crazy.

Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 11.01.24 PM

4. Marilyn Manson’s Instagram.

Here’s why.

5. Blac Chyna’s mom’s website.

That’s Ms. Tokyo Toni to you.

6. This:

Because I was going to vote for Hillary Clinton today, but then I got high.

Gimme More POP

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