4th July To Do List

Summer in the city can be a bit of tease as all of the original denizens of New York have already jetted off to the Hamptons or Ibiza depending on their level of fabulousness. Therefore it is up to those of us left behind to make fun for ourselves, as best we can. With the 4th of July coming up, us city dwellers are left wondering what to do? Most of us don’t have backyards for BBQing and there aren’t many lawns around to watch the fireworks. But have no fear, there will be plenty going on in the city this Friday.

Liberty Belle Extravaganza at the Empire Hotel: The vintage Champagne blow out will be hosted on two separate rooftops this Friday. One of them downtown at the DL the other uptown at the Empire. Up for some rooftop fireworks? This is where you’ll want to be.tumblr_lv319oZmdH1r2p7yko1_1280

Sky Room Fireworks
Speaking of rooftop fireworks, yet another contender in fabulousness is the Sky Room 4th of July blow out. With five terraces, an open bar and a squad of burlesque dancers, we have no doubt this will be a party to remember.4788be0b5960c8968b8e888f5635255b

Zephyr Cruise
Want an opportunity to watch the fireworks on the water? This cruise includes a DJ, bottomless desert trays and a Bar to celebrate America in all the upscale glory you can think to partake in. tumblr_mzxqiaI5WV1rdofrgo1_1280

Yotel BBQ
Unlimited BBQ and drinks on a chic terrace? Don’t mind if we do.kate_upton_bikini_popsicle_wet_tshirt_gq_2-760x931


Gimme More Parties

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